RickDube64 Member


  • I started using Bragg's about a year and a half ago because I had high blood pressure and I read it was supposed to help. Well, my pressure was so high, that I had to see a doctor and get put on two blood pressure medications so I don't know if it helped. My triglycerides at the time were 463 and I was put on a statin drug…
  • I have to respectfully disagree when someone says that excess carbs have nothing to do with weight loss. If this were not true, then MFP would simply calculate calories, and not carbs, proteins and fats. Another point would be the people that have great success on the keto diet. Simply put, what you eat matters. I would…
  • There is a lot of information you didn't include. Do you have your MFP plan set to lose 0.5 lbs, 1 lb, or 2 lb's per week? What do you consider to be moderate exercise? Do you log in every physical thing you do under exercise? IE: housework, etc? (you shouldn't). Are you only making sure you stay under your calorie goal,…
  • Using a tape measure instead of a scale is good advice. After a workout, your muscles retain water as part of the recovery process to build muscle, so that can account for an increase in weight. Lifting weights is exactly what you need to be doing. The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn. The scale will move…
  • Have you tried increasing your proteins and fats and decreasing carbs? You didn't say what kind of cardio you are doing, but your body will quickly adapt. You could try doing a cardio workout your body isn't used to.
  • I'm 50 years old. I try to get about a gram and a half of protein per pound of body weight per day. I use Body Fortress whey protein to make up for what I can't eat. I use kre-alkalyn creatine, and N.O. Fury for muscle pumps. I really notice the difference without them. As far as lifting, I'm not doing anything different…
  • You should not lose any muscle mass in just 4 weeks. Remember, that muscles do not grow when you lift, they grow when they heal. You will probably be doing yourself some good in letting your muscles and joints rest. Just keep up with your protein, and don't overdo the carbs. You don't want to put fat over your muscle. You…
  • From your post, it appears that you do a lot of cardio, but you didn't mention weight training. Your body will adjust to the cardio you do, so you have to mix it up. You may actually have to increase your calories, decrease cardio, and add strength training to lose weight. I got this link from another post.…
  • Hi Shannon and welcome. You are absolutely on the right track. I started MFP 5 months ago for basically the same reason as you. I saw a picture of myself and was not happy at all. I've lost over 20 pounds, and since I am only 5'6" tall that is a significant amount of weight for me. I also find the calorie counting a kind…
  • I will typically log calories in spices, because they can add up. More importantly, it's about about a mind set. If I get the attitude of "oh, it's not much, not even worth thinking about", then I may start doing that when it comes to adding a dollop of butter to something, maybe a little extra oil in the pan, or not…