

  • Well, the question is open ended and so to (selfishly) save myself a lot of typing, I am cutting and pasting the following from an answer I gave previously on MFP forums (with minor tweaking if I see something that's changed): The five things that helped me most with losing 55 pounds (so far) over 18 months have been: #1 -…
  • Sure katelister1, you can add me as a friend on MFP if you want. But FYI, I spend most of my time using MFP through the phone app, so I only check in on weekends to the Web site and forums.
  • The five things that helped me most with losing 50 pounds (so far) over 18 months have been: #1 - selfishness/independence: it doesn't matter what the rest of the world does or thinks (except for anything clearly unwise or unhealthy) I will eat when and what works best for me. I will schedule my meals separately from…
  • Yes, there are many folks doing the best they can but getting no respect. I certainly cannot say that I am always as compassionate as I should. But stories like these help to remind me that all is not as it appears. It also reminds me of another long post (actually a commencement address given by author David Foster…
  • FYI, I am sitting here at my computer eating a Wawa Turkey BLT salad...delicious, 260 calories (without any dressing or croutons) and I think it would be much less delicious without the bacon. So there. (P.S. - Wawa is an East Coast USA convenience store)
  • Well, I have (so far) lost 35 pounds and I eat the majority of my calories at night. Part of that is because I do 35 minutes on the elliptical after I get home from work (which gives me the extra calories to consume for my final meal and night time healthy snacks) and part of that is by having a protein bar for breakfast,…
  • A cinder block in a little more than a year. Wow, I hadn't thought of it like that, that's a nice Easter present I got from MyFitnessPal. And yes, I owe it to a combination of the MyFitnessPal Android app (folks at work ask me what my phone allows me to eat), and blowing a lot of bucks on a home elliptical and quitting the…
  • Yes, many people were like you describe before we found what worked for us, that got us past the initial obstacles that always defeated us before. Once you're on the path you can keep adjusting and adapting to what is and is not working, take on new challenges, mix things up to keep it interesting, buy new equipment,…
  • I have an odd but consistent work schedule. That has the advantage that I'm not going to be eating meals when the rest of the world is. So I try to make every day (or at least every work day) the same as far as number of calories consumed by Noon, 3 PM, 6 PM, 9 PM and bed time. I usually exercise at 9 PM and so then have…
  • I was the fat kid in grade school and high school, then a few years in college I lost weight but then gained it back after. So for decades I have been a fat guy. April of this year I decided I was going to stop doing what had never worked and just do whatever seemed to work. So now I try to get in aerobic exercise almost…
  • As a general comment I would say that I use this site through my Android phone, and found the bar code scanner useful in the early stages to simplify recording the foods I eat. For restaurants or home meals one must do a bit of research, of course. Since I have my phone with me almost always, I try to never cheat and…
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