How did you lose weight?



  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    I lost 20 lbs with 2 rounds P90X, and sticking to as many healthy mean plans as I possibly can, it's hard at first but after a while your body doesn't really crave the junk that you once fed it. I don't have any kids, just work and school. The hardest part at first was pushing play, but after a while it just becomes a habit. I'm currently doing Insanity-The Asylum and loving it.
  • plumkzy
    plumkzy Posts: 2 Member
    I have lost 72 pounds so far. I did it with a combination of 2 rounds of Insanity, 1 round of P90X, and running. I contribute it all to eating healthy and working out.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    i don't work, im home everyday. i just followed the guidelines MFP set for me. i used only 1 dvd workout and thats leslie sansone "walk away the pounds....ultimate collection". i started out doing this once a day doing 1 mile, then upped it to 2 mile. after 2 months i started doing the 2 mile walk in the mornings and the 1 mile walk in the afternoons. thats all i did.

    Thanks so much for posting encouraging. How long did it take to drop the 40+ pounds for you with Leslie?
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    For the very first time I examined my health goals and devised a plan to begin to achieve them. I put the plan as my top priority in life above my children, husband, friends, family and all other responsibilities. I love them all but I needed to love me too. I didn't quit. Everyday I work towards my goals and forgive myself for past mistakes and imperfections. I accept my success and am proud of how far I've come. I'm patient. I make this a priority everyday and I stay focused on what I need to do. But I also don't make it impossible to achieve. I live life, I enjoy. But the focus for how and what I enjoy has shifted. I also seek professional help from my primary care doctor, registered dietician and exercise therapist as needed. I put together a team to help support me in achieving my goals. It meant getting rid of my previous doctor and finding team members. Logging all food I've eaten and working out are the tools I use to achieve my goals. But I also surround myself with supportive people and limiting my time with non supportive ones. I schedule workout time, plan what I'm going to eat etc. Until recently I did this 99% of the time, now I find I'm more on auto pilot and preplan about 75% of the time . The rest of the time I now trust myself to make pretty good decisions and not venture too far from the road I'm on. But it takes time, patience, tremendous focus and trust. Anyone can set their mind and do the same as I. :flowerforyou:
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    Big thing was buying an exercise bike on amazon for $150 so i can exercise at home at nite.
  • julimonster
    julimonster Posts: 243 Member
    46 yrs old, 4 kids (grown & gone)
    In March I weigh'd 204 and STARTED with a low carb diet, I cut out sugar and processed foods and started drinking a lot more water. 30 minutes per day of BRISK walking, and as of today I am at 150.8 lbs. I'm not done yet, I have another 5 lbs to go, but I'm amazed that at this point in my life I am NOT stuck with the extra poundage, the hardest part for me was giving up the snack foods but I've completely changed the way I look at and eat food now, and eating healthy isn't difficult anymore - Best of luck to you!
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    Believe it or not, by eating more!
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    Major accidents + rehab & meds = weght gain.

    PT + consistent exercise + proper food plan for me = current weight loss & recovery.

    Consistency, faith, and hope, and most of all...wife and dear friends...the foundation. :happy:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I simply ate less and more healthy foods and exercised more. It really was that simple.

    I have a daughter, but when I started trying to lose, she was already old enough to be home alone and everything, so that wasn't an issue. Though when she was little, I would put her in a stroller and walk a lot.
  • Elizabeth38NC
    Awesome reply
  • FightingGenetics
    FightingGenetics Posts: 108 Member
    See exactly what I did and read about my journey at
  • bronnyd
    bronnyd Posts: 278 Member

    Do you weigh your food?
    My weight loss isn't dropping as much as I think it should be and even though I really don't want to weigh my food (it seems to be kinda "extreme/obsessive to me" but I'm considering it.

    Weighing your food isn't obsessive - it's a total game changer! I bought a digital food scale and it was one of the best things I ever did for my weight loss. I had been using MFP for a while (like a year) and seeing NO change. Once i bought my food scale I realized that it was because I'd been eating 4 or 5 servings of cheese and logging it as 1 (you'd be surprised how small 30g of cheese is!). Or I'd be eating a huge handful of almonds and again, counting it as one 30g serving. Since I started actually weighing my food and correctly counting calories, the weight is falling off. I bought my food scale about a month ago and have lost 8 pounds. This is after a FULL YEAR of "counting calories" with MFP (incorrectly) and seeing no change whatsoever.
  • jersey222
    Well, the question is open ended and so to (selfishly) save myself a lot of typing, I am cutting and pasting the following from an answer I gave previously on MFP forums (with minor tweaking if I see something that's changed):

    The five things that helped me most with losing 55 pounds (so far) over 18 months have been:
    #1 - selfishness/independence: it doesn't matter what the rest of the world does or thinks (except for anything clearly unwise or unhealthy) I will eat when and what works best for me. I will schedule my meals separately from others, or have fewer or much smaller "meals", and friends/family/party hosts should understand in this day and age (it's the 21st century!)
    #2 - portion control, don't let the size of dinner plates or packaged foods or restaurant entrees make you eat more than your daily calories can allow, eat less and save the rest for later or the next day. I found it is really, really important to be frequently eating things I enjoy and that satisfy me, but the trade off is I could not eat large portions without then having to wait longer. I eat all day long, but you would be surprised at the small size of my meals (except salads)
    #3 - not eating what doesn't satisfy my brain/body, meaning some foots (salty, sugary, whatever) just make you want more,whereas some foods delay later hunger. Examples of the latter would be salad sprinkled with bacon, chicken and low fat shredded cheese; or caramel rice cakes, or a decent quality protein bar. I also drink a 24 ounce "cup" of coffee with splenda and half/half at about 3 PM every work day since it seems to eliminate my mid-afternoon munchees totally for the sake of 60 calories. If you are stuck in a convenience store (which is like a barren wasteland for dieters) then consider dark chocolate covered raisins, I find they do not create cravings as much as virtually every other snack food in those stores, but your mileage may vary.
    #4 - aerobic exercise which helped to make me feel better and also nets out (in the MFP phone app) some of the calories I eat making the diet not so strict to stay on in the long haul
    #5 - not everyone can spend the same amount of money on their diet/fitness program, but I spent money on a smart phone for the express purpose of being able to use MyFitnessPal, and also a good quality in home elliptical machine which costs a good bit. I quit the gym I belonged to both to help offset the cost of the elliptical and also because their hours did not match my work hours and life (I am not a 9 to 5 worker and I have a very long commute). I got better strength training at the gym that I can't do as well at home, but doing something 4 or 5 days of the week at home is better than 1 or 2 days at the gym.

    In summary I can totally honestly say that with the above approaches my 18 months on this diet has not been unpleasant at all, and is now a way of life. I realize some people's lives may not allow them to follow all of those rules, but keep in mind that your health is important, so consider your choices with that in mind.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member

    Do you weigh your food?
    My weight loss isn't dropping as much as I think it should be and even though I really don't want to weigh my food (it seems to be kinda "extreme/obsessive to me" but I'm considering it.

    Weighing your food isn't obsessive - it's a total game changer! I bought a digital food scale and it was one of the best things I ever did for my weight loss. I had been using MFP for a while (like a year) and seeing NO change. Once i bought my food scale I realized that it was because I'd been eating 4 or 5 servings of cheese and logging it as 1 (you'd be surprised how small 30g of cheese is!). Or I'd be eating a huge handful of almonds and again, counting it as one 30g serving. Since I started actually weighing my food and correctly counting calories, the weight is falling off. I bought my food scale about a month ago and have lost 8 pounds. This is after a FULL YEAR of "counting calories" with MFP (incorrectly) and seeing no change whatsoever.

    :heart: :heart: Bronnyd :heart: :heart:

    Thank you for this!
  • Melanie_xox
    Melanie_xox Posts: 28 Member
    That is great everyone:)
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
  • jenaissance
    jenaissance Posts: 302 Member
    I'm a SAHM of 3 (8, 5 and 4 years old). I get up at 6, workout at the gym for an hour, then start the school routine every Monday thru Friday. I take the weekends as "rest" days. I eat clean most of the time. I do not "diet". It's been easy once I decided this is how I want to live.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I made huge changes in the way I eat. I saw a documentary called Forks Over Knives, and it really openend my eyes to what I was doing to myself. So I started earing tons of fresh whole foods. The first 50 pounds melted off without me doing any exercise at all. After that I felt better, so I started walking. I could barely do a mile at first, now I sometimes hike 7 or 8 miles on the weekends, and am considering starting to run.
  • heather_9931
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
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