seeinglean Member


  • Monday check in Lots of inspiration here. On Monday I managed to put exercise out of my mind while I took care of bills before I went to work the 12-9 shift. Taught a class so I was on my feet for about two hours. Today - a nice clean slate waiting for me to add to it!
  • That is wonderful!
  • Did 10 minutes - mostly abs and also some jumping jacks.
  • I am thinking of having "phone free" evenings - no phone until I do my daily workout. Does anyone else use a strategy to get the evening workout done? of course it is 5 am right now so I could just go take an early morning walk. I seem to wake up earlier and earlier these days.
  • After walking an hour plus I felt tired and dehydrated. Better now! Happy 4th to all!
  • Hello! I'm Rebecca and am happy to be back seeing some familiar faces and some new ones. I joined MFP in December 2011 and it was the first chance I was able to lose weight for about ten years. I love Jackie's exercise plans and everybody has been wonderful on the threads. I have just been slacking off on the exercise but…
  • I am using mfp far more than I have used facebook. Now having to ask myself why. I think it is because I am accomplishing something.
  • I have thought about making our spare bedroom a walk in closet. I think it's a great thing but probably you just need to plan out what types of storage you need first (plus allow for expansion of certain collections). Like you say shelves are easy but the main problem is drawing up a really good plan before you hit the…
  • I have never been a captain but I am happy to do whatever is needed! Thanks.
  • Is there an exercise team starting in December? I would like to join/start a team that is similar. Thanks!