Belinda's November TEAM Challenge



  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    do u have a link for checking how much a portion of fruit and veg is, on mon i had 2 pears, 1 kiwi, 1 apple, 130gms radish, 150gms carrot, 20gms lettuce, 4 cherry tomatoes, 15gms red onion, 25gms cucumber, 50gms butternut squash, 50gms courgette, 50gms parsnip, 25gms sweet potato and 50gms white potato on mon but not sure how many portions it is. i have this site but not sure if it would b the same. :bigsmile:
    right i got the amounts for a portion from so ill get it filled in asap. Just going to do exercises now.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    If you are up for another month of this fun challenge check in here. If you team is doing it with no changes then your captain can check in for the team. However, if you are looking for a new team then jump on the board and we will try to get it all settled. Please bump the thread to keep it on top also.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I will get it figured out for you. Just report here and it will all work out. :)
    ok thank u, sorry if im being a pain. I think i get the spreadsheet now tho!!!! enjoy ur break away.x

    No worries! You are def not being a pain. I just want to make sure that you are able to follow along.
  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    I am trying to end out this week a little different. I know that some people have said that they would like more cardio based workouts. Please give feedback on what you think of different workouts or exercises

    Thurday 11/17 -- 10 min cardio workout
    Do this video. It is an 10:00 min workout. If you are advance you need to do this 2 times.

    Friday 11/18 - Tabata Workout
    A Tabata workout is 20 second of exercise 10 second rest. YOU MUST HAVE A STOP WATCH TO TIME THIS!! This will only be an 8 minute workout! EASY DAY!!!
    --- It will be 4 repeated 4 times -- 20 second workout and 10 second rest for a total of 8:00 mins
    1. Jumping Jack
    2. Squat with shoulder press:
    3. Jump Rope
    4. Modified or true push ups

    Saturday 11/19
    30 mins of ANY FORM of cardio ---walking, biking, running, eleptical ---YOUR CHOICE!! Only catch is you MUST share with your group what you did for your 30 mins. It also must be at one time and not 30 mins split up through the day.


    Weekly Challenge Starting 11/21 --- FRUITS AN VEGGIES!!
    We are suppose to get 5 Fruits and Veggies a day. You can earn 1 point per 5 F/ V that your team consumes. This is for a FULL serving not a partial serving. When you report back to your captain how many fruits and veggies you had you must also list what you had. EX: 3 consumed by 1 banana, 1 apple and 1 cup of green beans. --- Captains please enter in the total number earned and the sheet will figure out the math for you.

    Monday 11/21 - Total Body
    3 sets with 12-20 reps depending on ability level (30-60 sec rest). We are doing this as a circut workout so you will do 1 complete set of the 8 workouts before you start the 2nd set. This is designed to work your entire body and have max burn in a short time. You can determine what your ability level is on how many reps you will be doing of each exercise.

    - Jump Rope for 1 minute for starters and 2 min for advance (if you don't have a jump rope air jump like you have one)
    - Crunchs
    - Fusion Glide (1 count is doing both right and left side)
    - Incline push up
    - Burpies (the end of this video show an alternate version of this if you have bad knees) If you think this is easy ad a jumping jack at the end of each burpee
    - Tricep Dips
    - Alternating Superman
    - Jumping Jacks 30 - 60 seconds non stop

    Tuesday 11/22 - Abs
    50 crunches/sit ups
    25 righ oblique crunches
    25 left oblique crunches
    30 bicycle crunches VIDEO:
    35 bridge VIDEO:
    30 plank intervals (by this I mean start with arms extended then lower one arm to rest on your forearm and then lower the other so you are in a lower plank. Hold for a few seconds and then raise back up one arm at a time). Each complete revolution counts as one. VIDEO: FIRST ONE SHE DOES!!!

    Wednesday 11/23 - Cardio/ Kickboxing videos (13 min youtube video) -- If you have any issues with this contact me EARLY!!

    Thursday 11/24 --- Legs
    60 Squat kicks -
    100 Calf Raises
    30 Kneeling Side Leg Raise -
    30 Reverse Lunges with Rear Leg Raise -

    Friday 11/25 - Arm
    Sets of 12-15 of each arm workout.
    -- Swimmers Press ---
    -- Wood chops ---
    -- Tricep Kickbacks -- (note this is 15 per SIDE so 30 per set)
    -- 21's --- (note these are 7 in each position)
    -- Pec Fly --
    -- Push ups (you can modify these to be on your knees or against a wall)

    Saturday 11/26 - Glutes and thigh workout
    3 sets of 12-20 on every exercise on EACH LEG ---- So 24 - 40 of each exercise if they are leg specific
    - Kneeling Leg Raise ---
    - Inner thigh leg lifts ---
    - Reverse Lunge with Rear Leg Raise -
    - Sumo Squat --- If you want an extra burn add a jump at the end of each squat
    - Side Lunge --

    ---- Make sure you stretch out at the end. Try some of these great Glute stretches (The last stretch is one of my fav stretches)

    Sunday 11/27 REST -- WEIGH IN!!!
    i love the kickboxing cardio today :0)
  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    i am soooooo happy you are doing a december challenge, i have loved doing the november challenge. Thanks for all ur hardwork of putting workouts together and making up the mini challenges. :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    i feel like ive not had a good week this week :cry: , feel like ive gained. :noway: not sure why coz i was on hols 2 weeks ago n never counted cals, drank a few wines every night n 1 night had 5 pints of cider ( my favorite tipple, :laugh: that i dont drink anymore coz of the cals!) lost .5lb, this week i feel ive gained :ohwell: n ive done tons more exercising. But my xmas works do is the 10th :drinker: so from sunday im gona b extra good till then:bigsmile: !!! :bigsmile:
  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    weigh in 127.9 :cry: gutted :sad: i but on 2lbs as i thought, Gona do soooooo much better this week. :bigsmile:
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    weigh in 127.9 :cry: gutted :sad: i but on 2lbs as i thought, Gona do soooooo much better this week. :bigsmile:
    It is ok. I know I put on weight this week too. We have three days left in November! You can do it
  • seeinglean
    seeinglean Posts: 12 Member
    Is there an exercise team starting in December? I would like to join/start a team that is similar. Thanks!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Is there an exercise team starting in December? I would like to join/start a team that is similar. Thanks!
    Yes, I will message you tomorrow with all the details. Did you want to be a captain?
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Monday 11/28 --- LAST MONDAY CHALLENGE!
    Start with this video:

    75 crunches/sit ups
    35 righ oblique crunches
    35 left oblique crunches
    50 bicycle crunches VIDEO:
    45 bridge VIDEO:
    40 plank intervals (by this I mean start with arms extended then lower one arm to rest on your forearm and then lower the other so you are in a lower plank. Hold for a few seconds and then raise back up one arm at a time). Each complete revolution counts as one. VIDEO: FIRST ONE SHE DOES!!!

    This will be our last ditch effort for an ab workout in November....let's kick some post Thanksgiving butt!

    ---- Tuesday we will have a daily challenge----
  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member
    I really want to keep this going in December too, The challenges help so much to keep me motivated, It is going to be a busy month though with some traveling, I imagine it will be that way for everyone, so we'll all just have to do our best to stay on track anyway. Please let me know the details too, I'll be a captain if you can tell me what I need to do. Thank you so much for putting this together, Belinda :flowerforyou:
  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    Monday 11/28 --- LAST MONDAY CHALLENGE!
    Start with this video:

    75 crunches/sit ups
    35 righ oblique crunches
    35 left oblique crunches
    50 bicycle crunches VIDEO:
    45 bridge VIDEO:
    40 plank intervals (by this I mean start with arms extended then lower one arm to rest on your forearm and then lower the other so you are in a lower plank. Hold for a few seconds and then raise back up one arm at a time). Each complete revolution counts as one. VIDEO: FIRST ONE SHE DOES!!!

    This will be our last ditch effort for an ab workout in November....let's kick some post Thanksgiving butt!

    ---- Tuesday we will have a daily challenge----
    fab i have my ab's blast class on a monday after zumba so ill have a big ab's blast!
  • seeinglean
    seeinglean Posts: 12 Member
    I have never been a captain but I am happy to do whatever is needed! Thanks.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Thanks for all of your hard work, Belinda! I was in Vermont last week and should have had internet connection (ha ha ha) My data was hardly ever up and when it was it was spotty. Sorry it seemed like I dropped off the face of the earth.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I am trying to finish up the totals from Week 4 to annouce points. Many teams are still missing details.....20 mins left and then I am moving forward!

    Three days left to the challenge! Today I am working on the teams for the next challenge. This challenge we started off with 8 teams and are down to 7.....If you plan on carrying on AND have not told me so please do so asap!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Three days left! Hope everyone is working hard to finish out Novemeber strong. Tomorrow our team bonus points will be for Calories burnt. 1 point per 100 calories. I will post the exercises shortly for Tuesday and Wednesday.

    FYI: Two partial teams have merged into one. Let the Pounds Fall and Vivacious Vixens are one team.

    Congrats to our biggest loser of the week...infot81 with 1.5 pounds gone this week. She is on Fall's Foxy Femmes

    Week 4 Totals:
    Moves_to_Improve: 42 points
    Fall's Fab Five: 36 points
    Turkey Trotters: 32 points
    Fall's Foxy Femmes: 24 points
    Bestest Burners: 24 points
    Flab-u-less: 19 points
    Vivacious Vixens: 7 points

    We currently have 4 team set and ready to go for December with another 2 teams in the making. If anyone else wants to join please let me know ASAP!
  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    ive filled in all my stuff on the spread sheet for last week. Am i still to use the same spread sheet and do i still need to fill it out now that the teams have merged? Cant wait for december, im gona have a much better month! Thank you for getting all this sorted and planning all the challenges :bigsmile:
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    ive filled in all my stuff on the spread sheet for last week. Am i still to use the same spread sheet and do i still need to fill it out now that the teams have merged? Cant wait for december, im gona have a much better month! Thank you for getting all this sorted and planning all the challenges :bigsmile:

    I will do the tracking for you. Just make sure you log it in your team convo daily so I can get it all set.
  • timadotcom
    timadotcom Posts: 674 Member
    Belinda I was waiting for an email from my teammate who just replied right now. With her totals and points we get 10 extra points for Bestest Burners, are you going to count these or no?