

  • Well. I don't know about anyone else but eating salads and fruits leaves me hungry after just a few hours. Sorry but I gotta eat more manly-er foods than that. Hence pastas, cheeses meats etc.
  • Okay please don't go around using words like "Macros." What the hell is a Macro anyway. This stuff just confuses me.
  • But that's extra calories. I wouldn't mind throwing in some healthy stuff in with those pizza rolls or pasta or whatever for dinner.
  • I've tried eating like that but I can't do it. I get sick after eating that for awhile. Plus I can't stick to it. I like my pasta, my beer, cheese. I lost about 47 pounds a few summers ago eating and maintaining a 900 calorie a day diet and doing heavy daily cardio. But I've gained about 20 of it back since then. Eating…
  • I may not eat like an adult but atleast I act like one. You should try it sometime. It's nice.
  • Can't cook bro. I rely solely on a microwave or oven to cook pre-prepared meals. So it's my only option. And no, don't tell me to "Learn how to cook then" because i'm not going to "Learn how to cook." :P
  • I tried eating healthy like that before and I felt no physical difference between that diet and a crap diet (fast food etc.) I don't understand how people feel bad eating those kinds of foods. *shrug* But in any case, I gotta have my alcohol so yeah.
  • Low carb diet consists mostly of meat and green veggies sadly. The worst part about it though is that you can't have a cheat day/meal every week. Which is something you can do often with a calorie deficet diet.