

  • I eat less and often. My stopping to shell and SLOWLY eat four peanuts seems to be my best approach. I really take my time and feel each little bits go down...No handful in the mouth...one at a time.
  • I drink 1.5 cups of coffee, then a cup of milk for breakfast. Mid-morning I drink a cup of orange juice. I have water and/or tomato juice for lunch. Dinner another glass of milk and may be water. Followed by a cup of tea and/or milk for evening snack. I am up to six glasses of liquid and then I have those two cups of water…
    in Water Comment by Weavertracker May 2011
  • If you go to http://walking.about.com/library/cal/uccalc3.htm , you change steps to miles and then to calories.
  • Good start...I found using pedometer help me see how much I walk each day. My goal is to increase my walking by 10% on my average daily steps based on a week. Just added up your daily steps for one week and divide by 7. Much of it not walking longer but increasing my speed. Than increase that number by multiplying by 1.1.
  • I like Cottage Cheese NON-FAT with Salsa.
  • I am setting up this site to help me loose 15 pounds in four months. How about you?