msmonsi Member


  • I had two NSVs this week: first, my walking pace increased to a comfortable 3.9/4.0 mph, which I think means if I keep it up I can start running in a few weeks. Second, it has been a very stressful week and normally I'd stop at the pizzeria down the block from me because it's a convenient comfort food but yesterday I…
  • When I have too much refined sugar in my diet I get like that. What's helped me is drinking plenty of water, eating nutritious foods and limiting refined sugar to a taste and no more... eventually your body stops craving it.
  • I use the cheat day strategy. I think one cheat meal is ok as long as I am mindful of what I am eating and what it's costing me to enjoy the cheat meal. It helps me avoid feeling deprived while also making me even more aware of what I am putting into my body and how I feel after eating it. I tend to stay within or very…
  • I was actually 7.5% smaller and I originally wasn't sure if I should pick the one I did or the next larger one. Nice to know I'm smaller than I think I am even if by around 7.5%... :)
  • Impatience is what has done me in every time...and I'm learning to set my goals even smaller than I would like to, i.e., I have a problem with my ankle and until it heals cannot exercise strenuously, so I set my goal to losing 1 lb. per week via healthy eating. I gave up coffee a year ago and that helps in that I am not…
  • Cooking Light is a good one. I find diet foods don't fill me up, so I don't eat anything "diet." There's also alot of wheat and corn hidden in our food, so reducing bread/grains and sugars helps.
    in help! Comment by msmonsi June 2014
  • He sounds like a very toxic person. Dump him and show him you value yourself more than his poisonous opinion.,,it will make room for the guy who loves you for who you are.
  • That's a sin I could live with :D
  • A senior man once called me "challenged" for struggling during an outdoor activity. It was so rude and ridiculous that I actually laughed and then he backtracked realizing he crossed the line. Don't take it personally...people will think what they want and all you can do is own who you currently are and who you are working…