

  • I am in process of the 24 day challenge. It's a little costly, however I can honestly say I haven't felt this amazing in years. I have so much energy... To me it's worth the money and expense, because I feel the difference. I didn't even follow the plan exactly and I have lost inches and pounds.
    in Advocare Comment by toastis May 2013
  • Hopefully you are doing well. It takes awhile to achieve a new lifestyle and different way of looking at food. I am trying Advocare as I plateau'd and just needed a way to jumpstart my metabolism. So far it's working well, it's a lot of vitamins and such. I wouldn't suggest Advocare's plan unless you are absolutely…
  • Started the Max phase. My body feels good. I haven't lost any more than the 3 lbs, but I have lost inches on most of my measurements. I've fallen off the wagon a lot this weekend. I don't make excuses for it, I have no doubt it affects my results. I do notice that I feel hungrier than usual. it's overwhelming and I think…
  • I'm on day 10 - past most of the urges for food. Wondering how the PMS time of the month is going to be a factor in all of this. I;ve lost 3 lbs, try to 30 min of cardio everyday, I have a ton of energy. I tried to reduce my spark when I was running low - I am rationing myself at times. I've cheated with the dairy a few…
  • I'm on day two. So far I am ok. Fighting with my cravings for desserts, dairy and fried foods. It's absolutely funny how when I was eating clean on my own I was fine, have the Advocare system restricting me ... now I am struggling. I know it will pass, I just have to stay strong. I lost 2lbs since I started, but I did 2…