HeyMae75 Member


  • Huzzah !! Great Job !
  • Salted cucumber slices instead of chips
  • I just recently started loading recipes but I am pretty sure that if you mark/ agree to share the recipe then it is searchable by anyone. You may just want to give it a unique name so you are sure he picks the right one. For example there are many crab cake recipes saved but mine is saved as Chuck's Crab Cakes b/c my dad…
  • I am a wordy person, it looked shorter when I wrote it. My apologies.
  • I will preface by saying that my goals & accomplishments may not seem big to others but they have been huge for me. I have a genetic heart condition that is worsening as I get older & will need surgery eventually, I am morbidly obese, I suffer from Sarcoidosis, & I was diagnosed with Diabetes in December 2013 . I was…
  • I lost 62 pounds over 9 months without changing my activity level only changing my diet. I added regular excercise in March after I began to plateau & added MFP in June to try to stay morivated. Good luck :)
  • From Baltimore but living in North Carolina the last 8 years. Miss my Maryland very much :)
  • Yay !!! What great victory :) being under 300 was my first verbalized goal & when I finally made it I went to the doctors office just to use their scale & asked the nurse to write the weight on a post it note with the date & put it in my chart just so i would never forget it .
  • At the time my daughter was born I had been a vegetarian for about 10 years. My daughter did not eat any meat until she was about 7 when I slowly began introducing seafood & then poultry into our diets. She is now 19 & has never eaten red meat in her entire life. She is still alive. I think you will be fine.
  • At the time my daughter was born I had been a vegetarian for about 10 years. My daughter did not eat any meat until she was about 7 when I slowly began introducing seafood & then poultry into our diets. She is now 19 & has never eaten red meat in her entire life. She is still alive. I think you will be fine.
  • No, not at all. People should be wiping it down when they are done, I do. But I have seen people walk off without doing it. So you can't always be sure if it was done before you or not. If it makes you comfortable to do it then do it.
  • I also hate the taste of diet soda. I have yet to find any artificial sweetener that I can tolerate the taste of. I cut cola & sweet tea(aka southern crack) out completely & cold turkey the day I found out I was diabetic. I drank nothing but water & coffee for a month & then I found MINUTE MAID LIGHT LEMONADE in the 12 oz…
  • Congrats !!!!!!! You look amazing & your story is an inspiration :) I really want to thank you for posting a pic of your calves, I have a weird fear that when I hit my goal I will have disproportionately large calves but yours look totally appropriate so thanks for that :) Best of luck in the rest of your Journey !
  • Holes ?!!?
  • Wow ! Great job & very inspiring :)
  • This is my Vegetarian Chili recipe :) > Heathers Veggie Chili ! > > 1 large can Hanover dark red kidney beans (leave the bean juice in) > 1 large can Hanover light red kidney beans(drained) > 1 small can light red kidney beans (drained) > 1 small can Hanover black beans(drained) > 1 can corn(drained well) > 2 can diced…
  • The loss is clear, especially in your face but I can also see it in your legs,wrists, fingers. & midsection. I completely understand where you are coming from. I started at 365 & am down to 300 & usually don't feel like I can see much of a change but when I look at pictures from a year ago the difference is clear. My tops,…