

  • The answer depends on the intensity of your workout. Low intensity burns from your fat stores, and as the intensity increases, more is burned from your glycerin stores (carbs) to the point where no fat is burned, rather all carbs. This may make some think that low intensity is the way to go. The answer is: sometimes. You…
  • Lifting heavy isn't just about the reps, but the exercises as well. Barbell exercises are key to stressing the central nervous system and the skeletal structure/muscle. Machines and isolation exercises cannot replicate the benefits you gain from performing compound barbell exercises with heavy (4-6 rep range) weight. Women…
  • Your sodium intake isn't nearly as important as your sodium to potassium ratio. As long as you're eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, you shouldn't need to worry. First source I could google: http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/foodnut/09355.html
  • Just because you're hungry doesn't mean you need to eat. Our bodies get used to a calorie surplus and stuffing ourselves, and it will take time to adjust. Eat your pre-determined intake for the day, only eating more if you're feeling lethargic or light-headed (you shouldn't feel this way unless you're starving yourself).…
  • If your body isn't in starvation mode, then I see no need to "shock" your system, and even that that case, you should be consuming foods rich in macro-nutrients, not junk. If you need to cheat, then cheat - just don't fool yourself into believing it's good for you.