

  • If you like the cardio, google HIT training. In a nutshell, high intensity to get your heart rate up and then steady pace (elliptical, rowing, biking or running). 20 minutes of HIT will get you better results than an hour of light/moderate traditional cardio. Don't dismiss anaerobic training though. You can definitely…
  • Some good comments on this one. A cheat meal is much more desirable to a entire cheat day, and life happens. For me, I'll have a cheat meal, typically an event, and plan ahead with some extra exercise and/or greater deficit. Then I enjoy, largely guilt free. That said achieving and then maintaining your goal is a lifestyle…
  • If you have a refrigerator at work, keep plenty of your favorite veggies in it for the week. Keeping it there makes it very portable. Tupperware with rice, beans or sweet potato can supply carbs. Nuts in a baggie at the desk (careful of intake) allows for good quick protein and good fats.
  • I've never been really vain, but I cannot stop looking in the mirror now that I'm nearly at my weight/bf goal. Enjoy your new body!
  • Other posts emphasized the health risks and calorie counting and I agree there. I had a similar dilemma and I still like a drink, especially before bed. Once I started losing weight, that motivation overcame the nightly drink(s) and really made a difference in my progress. I'll still drink a few on a weekend and use that…
  • I have respect for the fatter folks in the gym, because they are making an effort to improve themselves which shows character. When I was fat, I got some looks, but I trained like a beast, worked hard and regularly and then became more motivated by the approving looks. Don't care what others think...unless it's something…
  • Hi Meredith, The hips and thighs are the toughest, but you can lose the unwanted weight if you watch your diet closely. Try to avoid any processed foods, this is difficult at first, but gets easier. You are already at a healthy weight for 5'2" so you don't have far to go. The last fat that your body is storing is what…