pepefifer Member


  • or, just don't snack at all! People usually finish their snack during the first 15 - 30 minutes anyway - so for most of the movie people aren't eating anyway. It might feel odd at first, but if you have just come from dinner, you shouldn't be hungry anyway. Good luck!
  • Thanks for the neat ideas! Always looking for easy wholesome new foods to try!
  • I'm not sure what the "right" answer is - but, I try to eat back at least half of my exercise calories (with healthy food, not cookies and junk) so that I know my body has the energy it needs. If I'm still hungry then I might eat them all back. If I'm not all that hungry or not hungry at all, then I don't eat any back. I…
  • Wow - what a great video! I have been measureing wrong! I don't go over the rim like they show if the video - I try to make it flush with the top - but that is still too much! go figure! Thanks for sharing the link to the video!
    in food scale Comment by pepefifer May 2011
  • Thanks everyone! I was kind of thinking the same thing - that if I do it everyday as part of my regular life style, then it doesn't count. Seeing this HUGE list of activities with calories burned started me thinking that I wasn't logging enough! Think I'll go back to just planned activities. :smile:
  • Thanks everyone for your input! I really really appreciated it. I decided to go with a digital one. I researched a few and made sure they could do the things people mentioned. I ended up getting the same one some of you had suggested without even realizing it! ha ha :smile: Yup, I liked the reviews of the Eatsmart…
    in food scale Comment by pepefifer May 2011
  • I found a website called Calorie Count - has anyone used this before - do you know how accurate it is? If it's pretty accurate, I may have found an answer to my own question!! :wink: