

  • ooo i love things spicy too and think we have some chilli flakes in :D so ill be adding them tomorrow too thanks :D
  • thanks :D you all make it sound lovely, i really hope i like it because i want to get into eating fish more often. I think ill keep it basic and oven bake it, and have some fresh vegetables to go with it. Thanks :)
  • Ive opened up my food diary now. i think i will try the jogging thanks 20-30mins doesnt seem to bad after work and ill see how i get on thanks. As for soda i have cut that out which was really hard with the occasional diet coke however at weekends i seem to go really down hill when i was at school i did p.e 3 times a week…
  • Im 5'4 i think i have quite a small frame, i started last week and weighed in at 133lbs, but i feel i need to get to around 120lbs
  • congrats you look really well. youve done amazing x
  • Thanks for all your responses :) i do try to fit in exercise as much as i can but at the moment im extremely busy with work and uni so havent had much time. I havnt noticed much difference i dont have a huge weightloss target, around half a stone i feel too big for my height. I dont seem to be noticing much difference and…