

  • It takes upwards of 100g of carbs to knock you out of ketosis. Go ahead and indulge only while on vacation but be wary that the carbs will do a toll on your body and you won't feel too great after indulging. Nothing wrong with treating yourself now and then though!!
  • I've found that as time goes on on keto, my sweet tooth and cravings completely go away!
  • how about a protein supplement? I drink a high protein shake every morning that is low in fat and carbs, lowish in calories, and has 30g of protein. is the brand. Im finding that this alone helps me along on my protein macro goal.
  • keep at it though! That's awesome commitment! I honestly have no idea how quickly it's supposed to fix the medical problems, but the main factor about T2D and similar insulin resistant diseases with keto is that limiting both protein and carbohydrates in type 2 diabetes reduces blood sugar dramatically (source:…
  • This is just scientifically not true. There are plenty of support groups and studies about keto and strength training. is a good one to look at to start. There is an incredible amount of people who are extremely built etc while on the keto diet.
  • It doesn't sound like you know much about keto and the effects ketosis has on your body. Ketosis is GOOD and in fact cures/suppresses diseases like epilepsy and diabetes. Your body would prefer to burn fat over sugar. Doctors are coming around to the fact that low-fat diets don't work (too much sugar in the diets) and…
  • Like everyone has mentioned, you still need a calorie deficit in order to lose weight on keto. The amount of fat you have to eat on the keto diet, though, will keep you full making it easier to keep the calories low =) Good luck! I'm loving my keto journey.