Starting Keto!



  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Honestly I gave low-carb (Ketosis) a legitimate try recently.

    I spent about 6 weeks at under 20 net carbs a day.

    I was tired, sluggish (that energy boost everyone else gets, didn't happen), foggy minded, weak, constantly hungry, famished, hangry and emotional the entire time.

    It was miserable.

    And, I got sick, truly sick, and missed two days of work, for the first time in years.

    20 net carbs is not enough for me to take in the fruit and veg level my body thrives on.

    I've seen it do "miracles" for others, but my body doesn't jive with it's chemistry.

    I went back to normal Paleo (which is still pretty low carb) but I've been really enjoying bananas, mangos, and sushi!

    I love not caring less if I go over 20 carbs and my keto stick is clear than I feel sluggish for days because I just couldn't live without another serving of veg. That's kind of like intentionally dieting yourself into sickness.

    Good luck!

    Do what works for you.

    PS I lost 0 weight in keto. I truly believe what I did lose was water weight because I started in the 180's, ended in the 180's, and I'm still in the 180's. Lots of suffering for 0 progress.
  • mayfrayy
    mayfrayy Posts: 198 Member
    how do people doing keto get fiber?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    how do people doing keto get fiber?

    a) is it necessary
    b) by eating foods with a high ratio of fibre to carbohydrates, like mushrooms or flaxseed.
  • joerogat
    joerogat Posts: 1
    QUOTE: Yes, I read Upwright's post before I started! Great info. How do you feel about the meat substitutes? I've only been eating the lowest carb ones, but I'm still unsure since they're processed - thoughts?

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    I have been through the spectrum of limited and specific diets. I have never been trying to lose weight, but my strict diet is most closely related to energy efficiency. I am an extremely active individual and believe that, for peak performance, the nutrients we supply our body are a major determinant of full physical potential. I have been researching more about the Ketogenic diet because of long distance sporting events in which I participate. The ability of the liver to metabolize fats for fuel more efficiently can have an astounding effect on your overall bodily function, performance capability, and mental clarity. That being said, it can be a long, arduous, bumpy road to get your body more acquainted to that process. Just remember that everybody's body is different, and everybody's energy needs are different.

    Over the past 10 years I have been vegetarian, then vegan, then raw vegan without corn, soy, or gluten, then I added fish, then I added eggs, fish, and wild game meat but did not allow for anything else. Finally, I have started to look more closely into ketogenic diets but continue to exclude corn, soy, or gluten.

    The previous post directing you to Unwright's essay is disturbing to me for only one reason: the amount of processed foods. Clean eating is of the utmost importance to me, regardless of what rules I am following for food consumption. It is often said that American society has developed a tendency to shop more in the aisles of the grocery store than on the outer walls (where raw, unprocessed foods reside most often). My beef (haha) with processed meat substitutes is the over-use of soy and the inclusion if heavily processed wheat or gluten. We are already over-exposed to soy products in processed foods. Despite it's high protein content, it is the new "corn" for derivatives in processed crap. Do a google search of the hormonal and chemical impact of over consumption of soy, and I guarantee you will reconsider being a lazy vegetarian ever again.

    I believe that anybody can benefit from the keto diet in bodily function and mental clarity - if it is done appropriately. However, for weight loss,or muscle development I feel that there may be less restrictive and more easily-regulated options that will have a greater impact. If you are not familiar with him, Brendan Brazier is an accomplished triathlete who has written a series of books on eating for energy (and he is vegan). His most important book is "Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide." In it is a breakdown of impressively underutilized foods as well as a 12-week meal plan. Eating this way for 12 weeks was a game changer in my life.

    Another good book that focuses on the science of food interactions with the body is the "Perfect Health Diet." Although the authors (both impressive scientists) promote the consumption of meat, the information is invaluable and it is all very relatable to Ketogenic Diets (High fat, low carb, moderate protein). Reading that also gives one a good understanding of what can be eaten in place of meat for the same general benefits.

    Key points:
    - everybody's needs are different
    - be careful and tedious when investigating new diets, or nutrient deficiency is inevitable
    - do not be blinded by the sound of a diet that, on the surface, sounds like it will turn your body into a fat burning machine
    - and most importantly, stay determined and steadfast in your ways only if you are able to defend your reasoning on sound research and solid arguments that make sense (i.e. what is better about a vegetarian diet vs. a clean eating diet that is humane, sustainable, and better for the overall well being of the body on a macro/micronutrient and cellular level?)

    Best of luck.
  • hnm921
    hnm921 Posts: 49 Member
    Drinking heavy cream in my coffee right now for the first time and boy is it yummy!
  • myfitnesspale3
    myfitnesspale3 Posts: 276 Member
    looking into purchasing the Phinex diagnostic strips to see when I reach ketosis - any thoughts or other recommendations?

    Not familiar with those - I've only used Bayer Keto-Stix? which can be cut in half to save money. I suspect they're all pretty much the same.

    I suggest don't try to "max out" ketones count like a game, but in truth I don't have any experience with ketosis beyond 15 (ppm? the median of the test range) . At that rate with mostly sedentary activity, I lost 1.5-2# per week and I just didn't identify ANY side effects except maybe increased clarity. Hunger didn't occur so it seemed weirdly easy. My caution to you is, just use test strips as an indicator that your system is explicitly breaking down some stored fat - not that "bigger numbers are better". At the same time see if you can relate test results to effects like smell of the breath, irritability, headache, energy, whatever.

    At some point you may run out of stored fat, then I expect more muscle (and who knows maybe brain) will be broken down for energy - dial it back BEFORE that happens.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    how do people doing keto get fiber?

    just like most folks, veggies.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    At some point you may run out of stored fat, then I expect more muscle (and who knows maybe brain) will be broken down for energy - dial it back BEFORE that happens.

    I'm pretty sure that dietary fat is used in a proprietary fashion, so before you get to stored fat, whatever fatty stuff you eat gets utilized.
    Keep fat high in relation to other macros.
  • myfitnesspale3
    myfitnesspale3 Posts: 276 Member
    what does "proprietary" mean here?

    Just saying there is a limit. Assume she/we are restricting calories, then once the dietary calories are burned up, and the glycogen is burned up, and the stored fat is burned up, then you got nothin'. So the body will burning the furniture as needed, so don't try to squeeze blood out of stone, or else the wheels will come off of the clown car.
  • DanielCathers
    DanielCathers Posts: 53 Member
    what does "proprietary" mean here?

    Just saying there is a limit. Assume she/we are restricting calories, then once the dietary calories are burned up, and the glycogen is burned up, and the stored fat is burned up, then you got nothin'. So the body will burning the furniture as needed, so don't try to squeeze blood out of stone, or else the wheels will come off of the clown car.

    I believe the typical reason your body burns muscle (catabolism) is because your body wants to use the amino acids since there aren't enough in your diet. This can happen before it needs to burn muscle simply for calories.

    I think hookilau was just trying to say that if you have almost no body fat and need calories, then eat them in fats.

    But before that happens, if you start to lose muscle, it's probably first due to the fact that your body needs to use the protein. So then eat more protein.
  • caitlingettingfit14
    caitlingettingfit14 Posts: 12 Member
    looking into purchasing the Phinex diagnostic strips to see when I reach ketosis - any thoughts or other recommendations?

    Not familiar with those - I've only used Bayer Keto-Stix? which can be cut in half to save money. I suspect they're all pretty much the same.

    I suggest don't try to "max out" ketones count like a game, but in truth I don't have any experience with ketosis beyond 15 (ppm? the median of the test range) . At that rate with mostly sedentary activity, I lost 1.5-2# per week and I just didn't identify ANY side effects except maybe increased clarity. Hunger didn't occur so it seemed weirdly easy. My caution to you is, just use test strips as an indicator that your system is explicitly breaking down some stored fat - not that "bigger numbers are better". At the same time see if you can relate test results to effects like smell of the breath, irritability, headache, energy, whatever.

    At some point you may run out of stored fat, then I expect more muscle (and who knows maybe brain) will be broken down for energy - dial it back BEFORE that happens.

    Thanks for the great info! Definitely following those guidelines - not trying to go too extreme but still maintain ketosis
  • cdn_beaver
    cdn_beaver Posts: 130 Member
    Just wanted to let you know you can customize your diary to keto macros.
    Settings>Goals>Change goals>Custom
    There you can enter your 5/30/65 (or whichever keto macros you do) so it shows up properly on your diary.

    I've been eating keto for almost two years and have dropped close to 90lbs. I feel amazing eating this way but the key to it other than keeping carbs low is to drink water, then drink more. Remember to ensure that you're gettting enough magnesium, potassium, and sodium in your diet. Since you're a vegetarian I don't think you need to worry about getting enough vegetables/fiber.

    You don't have a lot to lose so your loss will be slower. Good luck!
  • staceybrnan

    Is there any specific reasons you're doing Keto instead of just a calorie deficit? Have you actually done the research on this diet and what happens to your body when it goes in to ketosis?

    Keto diets don't produce any faster results than regular calorie deificits. I would advise against doing anything you can't do for life. You'll likely gain the weight again after you start eating carbs.

    Do what works for you. Just try not to make this more complicated than it has to be.

    It doesn't sound like you know much about keto and the effects ketosis has on your body. Ketosis is GOOD and in fact cures/suppresses diseases like epilepsy and diabetes. Your body would prefer to burn fat over sugar. Doctors are coming around to the fact that low-fat diets don't work (too much sugar in the diets) and high-fat or keto-type diets are incredibly good for your body, metabolism, and everything in between. The thought that ketosis is bad is an old outdated idea.
  • staceybrnan

    Ketogenic diets are definitely not beneficial for building strength.

    Lack of carbs and animals seems like you could be setting yourself up for possible micronutrient deficiencies to me.

    This is just scientifically not true. There are plenty of support groups and studies about keto and strength training. is a good one to look at to start. There is an incredible amount of people who are extremely built etc while on the keto diet.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    It doesn't sound like you know much about keto and the effects ketosis has on your body. Ketosis is GOOD and in fact cures/suppresses diseases like epilepsy and diabetes. Your body would prefer to burn fat over sugar. Doctors are coming around to the fact that low-fat diets don't work (too much sugar in the diets) and high-fat or keto-type diets are incredibly good for your body, metabolism, and everything in between. The thought that ketosis is bad is an old outdated idea.

    I must be doing it wrong.
    1+ year and STILL T2D
  • staceybrnan
    It doesn't sound like you know much about keto and the effects ketosis has on your body. Ketosis is GOOD and in fact cures/suppresses diseases like epilepsy and diabetes. Your body would prefer to burn fat over sugar. Doctors are coming around to the fact that low-fat diets don't work (too much sugar in the diets) and high-fat or keto-type diets are incredibly good for your body, metabolism, and everything in between. The thought that ketosis is bad is an old outdated idea.

    I must be doing it wrong.
    1+ year and STILL T2D

    keep at it though! That's awesome commitment! I honestly have no idea how quickly it's supposed to fix the medical problems, but the main factor about T2D and similar insulin resistant diseases with keto is that limiting both protein and carbohydrates in type 2 diabetes reduces blood sugar dramatically (source:
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    Op, to get a fibre into your diet, look into buying oat bran and psyllium husks in a tablet if possible. When I tried keto, they were a god send.