

  • Firstly, you will likely notice very little weight change throughout your entire 90 days of least that was my experience. You gain so much muscle so quickly that it offsets the weight loss. That being said, i also didn't notice much change until the second 45 days. Then it was pretty dramatic...not like to fools…
  • try swapping the prosciutto for canadian bacon, and the wasa for a low fat english muffin.
  • Sounds good, did you use any oil to fry in?
  • I find dieting very hard as well. Personally I had to come to terms with the fact that eating healthy is something you need to be prepared to is not easy, especially if you really like eating, like me! this site is the best thing I have found to help keep me honest and accountable to myself.
  • I have a reebok, but i spent $1200 on it - it has been awesome! you have to be careful in the 500-700 price range. there is a lot available but it tends not to be of commercial quality which is what you want so you can use it everyday without falling apart.
  • I agree with kellygirl5538. Consider it a bonus...
  • welcome back!
    in Back Again! Comment by slegris May 2010
  • Are you looking for a low fat cooking procedure?
  • they are both products, so you probably cant go wrong. P90x is 5 years old already, but I am in my 5th week of it and so far it has been great for strength/muscle building but fat loss has not been what I would like it to be. To be fair I have been trying to keep to 2000 calories, rather than the very strict…
  • Drink a glass of water between every alcoholic beverage, This will help keep you full, hydrated, and help you get back to your routine the next day. Don't overlook that if you get wasted tonight, you may likely be a waste tomorrow.
  • i had the same question a few weeks ago. Here are some of the responses i received:
  • Thanks everyone. This is just the boost I needed!
  • Hello there, I am new here as well. I joined 3 days ago, and I am very impressed/pleased to see how supportive everyone on this site is.
    in Hello! Comment by slegris February 2010