

  • Im 5ft 7 but currently 218lbs! Have lots to loose but have a holiday to Florida in 12 weeks so just want to loose as much as possible. Been on the 5:2 diet for a week and lost 6lb so pleased there. Just need to keep at it. Help to keep me going please!!
  • I have tried many diets before and had success until i stop them and go back to eating how i was then it all goes back on plus more. Ive only really just found this 5:2 after hearing philip schofield talking about it so done some research. I dont mean that i expect to loose 5 stone in 13 weeks, just that i have 2 goals to…
  • Thanks for your replies people. I will def join the 5:2 group (if i can find it) You have only been doing it 3 weeks and lost 15lb Debbie??!! Thats brilliant well done. I dont feel too bad actually so far, belly rumbled at around 10am and i thought oh no i can never do this but they have gone now!
  • I have researched it but theres so many different ways to do the fast day i was checking that i dont eat for 24 hrs then have a 500 cal meal or do i spread the 500 cal throughout the fasting day? Not looking to loose 5 stone in 20 weeks no (i wish that was possible) but those are my 2 dates to aim towards and give me…
  • Hi all. Looking for some support with this as im rubbish at sticking to anything. I am off to Florida in 13 weeks and am bridesmaid for my sisters wedding in 20 weeks. I weigh 16 stone and am 5ft 7in so have a good 5 stone to loose. I last ate at 7pm last night and havent eaten anything since, just drank water and a cup of…