

  • It was great.... I just made smart food choices and didn't give in to all the beachside snacks, saved my calories for my drinks and had an awesome time.
  • I never said you had to encourage my "poor" choices in alcohol, just respect my personal decision about what I'm going to drink. Anyways, thanks for the advice about the scale :) I try to avoid it but just haven't got to that place yet.
  • I just want to say thank you to those of you who actually provided me with some useful advice instead of judging my choice. MFP is supposed to be an encouraging place, so maybe the drink choices I provided aren't your personal favorite but you don't need to call me down for it. I've struggled my entire life with my weight…
  • I was just going to add the club soda to make more of a spritzer and make the bottle go little further.
  • I'm in! My goal is to lose 65 pounds, but I have little milestones along the way :) The first one is to be in the 100's by the end of this month.
  • Canadian here! :) I'm in Vancouver.