The box says 350g and 70 calories per 100g. That makes 245 calories. What difference does it make if some water is lost in the cooking? Surely there is still 245 calories of food?
Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. It is hard for me because I'm having a lot of emotional problems at the moment and I don't feel really up to exercising much. I also feel very weak generally. Will cycling help on the stomach because once the weather gets a bit nicer I think I will get the bike out.
Surely eventually I would lose the stomach if I carried on losing weight? If not why not? I don't get it. :-/
I tend to think you're right and what you say is true.
Maybe you're right about 'skinny-fat'.
I tried weight lifting at the gym but it's not for me to be honest. It's too boring and I'm not the 'body builder' type....
Isn't it better to be on the lower side of healthy though?
I think the reason I want to lose more is because I still feel conscious of having a bit of a tummy that sticks out.... Is that something that will go over time? I admit I am starting to look boney in other areas of my body and my overall bodyfat must be very low.
So far I've lost 23lbs :)