check out congruent exercise. see youtube video and/or book. Especially for old men." I was your age once but cannot remember it." It is body building with an emphasis on avoiding injury.
Running is great for your brain and mood. Or cognitive function and your mental health both long and short term. But I will not produce big fat loss. You need at least one session a week of weight training. i keep recommending Wayne Westcotts book Strength and Stamina. You can get a cheap used copy at Amazon. I have that…
Look at Ellington Darden's Bodyfat breakthrough and Little and McDougall's Body by Sciene
see Ellington Darden The Body fat Breakthrough and recent youtube present by Wayne Westcott. Also see Body by Science
I had a lot more muscle on my non-dominant side when I was in my teens and twenties, so much so that the military doctor diagnosed me with CP. According to Arthur Jones, the larger Muscle on the non-dominant side is due to the inefficency of the nondominat side so that when training with weights it get the hardest workout.
after exercise go in cold water. It is easy for me because I live near a old river . Try it . It works.
Try Susan Kleiner's "Power Eating".
Look at Kleiner's Power Eating. Th latest edition on Kindle is inexpensive.
See Wayne Westcott's Building Strength and Stamina. You don't need his newer books just Strength and Stamina which used on Amazon is about dirt cheap and check in you-tube lectures which includes some times nutrition for old fools like me.