

  • Use potassium chloride and the problem will be automatically solved because you'll be able to prepare all the recipes you already know, you'll just have to replace common salt (sodium chloride) with potassium chloride which has a salty taste practically identical to table salt but cointains zero sodium since it's made just…
  • It's just a neurochemical problem albeit a difficult one to solve. As you've said you were taught that food is not simply nourishment for the body, but love, good things, pleasure, happiness and so on. There's a substance called dopamine which has a key role in the so called "reward system" of our brain. When something…
  • Hi, contrary to popular belief, physical activity is not necessary for weight loss, especially if you don't really, really, really enjoy doing it. Forcing yourself to do something you don't enjoy causes a lot of psychological stress which makes you eat even more, so save your money. What really matters is food and food…
  • Caracrafword1 is right, it's a scientific fact that obese people have a neurochemical imbalance that forces them to overeat. If you search for "dopamine receptors" and "obesity" you'll find everything explained. This page sums it up in plain language http://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=117654 Since I was a child and…
  • Before taking Belviq try a tyrosine supplement. I've been taking it for several months and it's like a dream come true. I used to be an overeater with incontrollable cravings who spent decades trying to lose weight to no avail. With tyrosine the situation changed overnight and I'm not exaggerating. I totally agree with…
  • Casein is digested more slowly than whey, therefore it provides a more continuous supply of aminoacids to the body. Unfortunately casein is also one of the most dangerous type of proteins because it has been recognized as a cancer promoter. Using casein supplements is worse than eating cheese because supplements have an…
  • Drinking water always contains sodium. It wouldn't be a problem even if you drank ten of those bottles every day. Normal portions of any kind of raw vegetables have much more sodium than one bottle. Even most fruit have one or two mg of sodium. Here you'll find the content of sodium of 135 vegetables…
  • Try a tyrosine supplement, it's most effective. I've had uncontrollable food cravings almost every day of my life. They were caused by stress, anxiety, unhappiness,etc., but with tyrosine I no longer have those urges. It also improves mood and helps you cope with stressful situations. For optimum absorption it must be…
  • I'm supplementing with tyrosine and it's doing wonders. After so many years of lost battles it's a dream come true. I no longer have cravings of any sorts and I can control myself very easily. It appears that this list is correct, at least the "general overeating" part which mentions tyrosine as a possible cause…
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