

  • Ive always had a hard time drinking water too. But lately I have been drinking anywhere from 2-4 bottles a day (2-servings per bottle) which is still lower than the recommended amount, but I have seen the difference on the scale! Enough proof for me. After I starting drinking water I went down almost 7lbs!
  • I agree with Carol. Plus its better for it to be too baggy than too tight right? lol Its hard to start back once you quit even if its for a short time and with the best intentions.
  • Thanks for all the responses guys! I was so suprised to see all of you post so fast. I was looking into getting one for those days I don't have the motovation for hitting the treadmill and for second exercises throughout the day. Plus it looks like a lot of fun! I forget the name of the game I want but its featured on xbox…