005999Manon Member


  • Yes I always have a hard time with those calculators because I don't know in which activity level I fit. I saw this calculation somewhere so I decided to try myself and see what tdee would be most accurate for me. If you know another way to calculate this, could you show me how? The more knowledge I have the better I think!
  • Great, thanks and I will recalculate in a few weeks!
  • I think that's actually what a lot of people with BED experience. For me, I preferred the feeling of being really stuffed to just feeling miserable, most of the time I didn't even know why. But when I was really really full or sometimes even sick, at least I knew why.. It took alot of courage and even more hard work to get…
  • Yes I agree with the difference between bingeing and overeating. Therapy can help with both actually, especially if there's a link with emotions. Thinking you have to do it yourself or that it has anything to do with having enough selfcontrol/discipline may cause your problems to get worse. It can lead to self blame and…
  • oh btw, i think there's a huge difference between binge eating and just not sticking to a restricted/healthy diet. Sure you can have a day where you don't eat that healthy, or when you crave something sweet. Especially when you are on a diet or try to lose weight or in other ways restrict what you eat. I still have days…
  • Hi, I mentioned somewhere else already that I used to binge eat. It took me years to get it under control (and a lot of professional help) and still I'm walking a fine line.. The logging of food has helped me a lot too, just knowing what and how much I eat helps me maintain my binge-free life! I think it is a good idea to…
  • Former binge eater here. Feel free to add me. It's taken me a lot of years to get my eating under control and i agree with lovely_im: get some professional help. It is ok to ask for help and everything gets a lot easier once you do. You have already started on here! You can do this for sure! Just be nice to yourself and…
  • Welcome! I am eating meat free and my diairy is open to friends. Feel free to add me!
  • Yes it is very hard to be running outside at the moment here, it is sooooo hot! Even inside it gets really hard tomkeep up, this weather drains the energy out of you! Yesterday i went windsurfing and that was a lot of fun and a pretty good excersise, my whole body is sore today!
  • Yes i have the wiifit! I use it for weekly weigh-ins and i like the yoga excersises a lot! The super hula hoop is also a killer excersise! After a while howevere, I do get a bit bored with doing the same so I like to change my routines. At the moment i just do the justdancing and then the kettlebells. Maybe i should star…
  • I think you can change the settings of your ticker in 'my profile'. I am currently living on curacao, one of the more southern caribbean islands! Have you tried playing any team sports samakiyah? That usually helps me to get started!
  • Yes running, i do have awesome running shoes! They are in a closet somewhere around here.. I find it very hard to start running because at this point i'm not very fit so i don't get very far.. And i'm worries aboyt my knees and what my weight will do to them if i start running. Aaaand it's very very hot here.. Being in the…
  • Hi ashley! I also love to cook and bake! Maybe we can share some healthy but delicious recipes :wink: