tdee let's see if I have done this correctly

Ok, so I am curious for a while now what my actual TDEE is. After logging consistently I now have my own data of 8 weeks. I hope I have done the calculations correctly. I am posting it here so maybe someone can check..

If I look at the mean caloric intake per day for those 8 weeks it's: 1795.75.
I have lost 5.5kg(12.125 lbs) in those 8 weeks.
Using the 3500 calories per lbs lost theory, i had a deficit of 42437.5 calories in 8 weeks, that's 5304.68 a week; 757.8125 a day.
Adding that to the mean caloric intake of 1795.75 totals 2553.5.

So my TDEE would be 2553.5. Correct?


  • philwrightfitness
    Depends on your diet, in some low carb diets initial weight loss can be water, try recalculating using your last four or six weeks data
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Intake 1800, lost 0.2 lbs/day, TDEE is about 2500. Check.
  • 005999Manon
    005999Manon Posts: 15 Member
    Great, thanks and I will recalculate in a few weeks!
  • blbst36
    blbst36 Posts: 54 Member
    edited October 2014
    Why not just google and use one of the oodles of calculators that come up?? I don't think that's the way it is calculated
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    blbst36 wrote: »
    Why not just google and use one of the oodles of calculators that come up?? I don't think that's the way it is calculated

    Because those calculators are estimates; using her own specific data will provide a much more accurate result.
  • blbst36
    blbst36 Posts: 54 Member
    Phrick wrote: »
    blbst36 wrote: »
    Why not just google and use one of the oodles of calculators that come up?? I don't think that's the way it is calculated

    Because those calculators are estimates; using her own specific data will provide a much more accurate result.

    Ok - fine (don't agree, but whatever), but I still do not think the above is how it is calculated. You can still do all the math yourself.
  • 005999Manon
    005999Manon Posts: 15 Member
    Yes I always have a hard time with those calculators because I don't know in which activity level I fit. I saw this calculation somewhere so I decided to try myself and see what tdee would be most accurate for me. If you know another way to calculate this, could you show me how? The more knowledge I have the better I think!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    lorelax wrote: »
    Yes I always have a hard time with those calculators because I don't know in which activity level I fit. I saw this calculation somewhere so I decided to try myself and see what tdee would be most accurate for me. If you know another way to calculate this, could you show me how? The more knowledge I have the better I think!

    The formula I was given was

    Total calories eaten + (3500 x pounds lost) / # of days = TDEE

    So at one point I figured mine out over 21 days and it was

    (42,652 + 25,200) / 21 = 3,231.04762 TDEE
