

  • Age: 27 Weight: 196 Height: 5,6 Body Fat %: 29.40 Muscle %: 35.6 BMI: 1957 Cals
  • Keep on truking pal..
  • Yup that happens... most humans are jelouse by nature so at first they are happy for you then when they see that you stick to your goals and enjoy it to the point where its a satisfaction. You start to represent what they should be doing and it start to bother them... :D but dont worry they are the onces that are loosing…
  • Take a breather and remember all numbers on here are estimates so dont focus too much on them. Focus on your diet and remember weight loss is not a sprint its a marathon. Try to loosen up and before you know it you will reach your goal.... if that number bothers u dont close out your day just keep your count you dont have…
  • Just do it... remember you mind will always tell you to stop before you should actually stop so step it up and dont give up... my rule of thumb is when i think i should stop i always go for an extra 15 minutes. :D when your done you will be thankfull of those extra 15 minutes and that by itself will make u feel invincible!
  • weight loss is a marathon not a sprint... :) just move along do what feels right and u will be ok. sometimes u just got to do it without thinking the more u think the worse it seems. So just keep on truking :) GL
  • i recommend a scale that take a snapshot of your bodyfat by mesureing resistance in your body with an light electrical current. They are not 100 percent accuarate but as long as you a number to go by you have something to compare... Weight is supperficial and you shouldnt really be guiding yourself by it. weight can be mis…
  • a snickers anyone??? :D thats my cheat snack!!! i cant seem to stay away from that freaking candy bar but at the end of the day the bf% keeps droping and m% up.... Weight is besides the point so thats pretty much a true story.... EAT EAT EAT
  • Intervals.... long cardio sessions are not as helpfull as intervalsss go at 100% from 30 sec to a minute then rest a minute then do it again and again and again... ull see that will burn more fat than u have never imagined... also i might have to change it up and start doing some weights (multi joint exercies only) look…
  • where did u get that walk counter???
  • weight loss is a marathon not a sprint..... :) sooooo just keep on trucking eventually u get there.... even if it is 20 years from now LOL its about a change of live style......... LETS DO THIS!!
  • wow nasty typo on my post :) and i hope u guys are right.... i found this simple answer that made me feel a little better short and to the point. http://www.fitsugar.com/You-Asked-Does-Sweating-Mean-Youre-Burning-More-Calories-1655873
  • Very possible... :( makes me feel like im not working out as hard... its bugging me :S
  • wow good feedback thanks guys i got to adjust my daily diet... time to do some research :P thanks keep up the good work!
  • im no expert yet i think i has to do something with your blood flow, that happens to me tooo some times so im hoping its not that bad... Are you taking any pre workout drinks by the way??? seems like when i started taking preworkout stimulants which im not recomending in anyway specialy without your doctors permision it…
  • estimates or not if you input your weight and your age its pretty close... also portion sizes and nutrionlal label are not accurate they are aproximates as well. so :) just go and give it your all... ive been burning 1250 calories on the eliptical in 70 minutes... after 45 of cardio almost every day for 3 months it was…
  • Get yourself a body fat clipper and gage your progress by body fat percentage it takes longer to move than the scale but ill let u know what u really care about which is loosing fat not weight :) ohhh there very inexpensive gnc has them for like 20 bucks..
  • Well said! Its about being healthy not just loosing weight... the weight will drop just be healthy stress can also impede weight loss.... focus on feeling goooddddddddddd
  • gotta love that protein... the more protein the better in my opinion!
  • cool :) maybe i just dont trust digital scales which are probably better?? what u all think
  • Really?? some good info... eventhough i dont eat any bannanas... maybe i should
  • count everything! and even if your over on your daily counter. Later on when u look back at your log you will be able to identify what u need to eat less of and what you need to eat more of. Remember everyones body is different this takes a little bit of trial and error. Agreed its hard to fit all your meals into the day…
  • there we go...
  • Im down... i was clocked at 190 today and ready to leave the 90's for good this time around :) Head Strong To TaKe on ANyOne
  • Welcome its always good when people join and actually want to actively put their two cents in....
  • when your stressed out and have a tendancy to eat the only way that i have been able to deal with that being a stress eater my self is not to stop the eating but to just replace what your eating with something thats healthy once u start reading up and getting ideas from people on this site you will be able to identify what…
    in New Comer Comment by osram34 March 2010