

  • Counting calories works. But to get that final result that you want. You need to make sure you are getting the right micro nutrients. How much protein are you eating? Carbs? fats (the healhty kind)? All of that will make a difference. Also- people are afraid to eat carbs and fats, but your body needs them to process the…
  • Fat and muscle may weight the same pound per pound, but a pound of muscle takes up less space than fat. Hense why you pay attention to body composition! Think a pound of fluffy feathers compared to a pound of rock. You will most likely have a big pillow and a hand size rock...
  • Best thing to do if you are trying to lose that last bit is eating clean and doing slow form cardio. Slow cardio, heart rate around 135-140, is going to be your best friend because you will burn a higher percent of fat without breaking down your muscle. If you do high intensity cardio you are burning fat AND muscle, but it…
  • In my experience it does help to stop eating after 8. That stopping number should probably be adjusted based on when you actually go to sleep though... We simply don't need to eat that much food as the day goes on because we normally use less and less energy. (most people use energy during the day and relax at night...).…
  • If you're going to drink soda it is best to drink regular. Our bodies know how to process sugar, but they do not know how to process chemicals. The fake sugars in diet drinks actually increase our you usually end up eating more. So for people trying to lose weight this may be counter productive. Yet if you…
  • You may want to try shopping on They have really good deals on protein powder. Also. If you are trying to cut weight then Dymatize Hydrolized Whey is best. Syntha-6 tastes the best, but is a bit higher in fat