Already a fairly healthy weight but looking to lean out more



  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    Same boat. Trying to recognize that my body doesn't want to drop those last 4 lbs and I want to put back some of the muscle that I must've burned off when I dropped the weight, but worried about gaining if switching to maintenance calories. F
  • babycrisci
    babycrisci Posts: 6
    Counting calories works. But to get that final result that you want. You need to make sure you are getting the right micro nutrients. How much protein are you eating? Carbs? fats (the healhty kind)?

    All of that will make a difference. Also- people are afraid to eat carbs and fats, but your body needs them to process the protein correctly. Healthy fats help you lose fat and maintain your muscle and give your skin a tighter appearance. Carbs (again, healthy kind) are good for you in moderation. Eat veggies, Quinoa, brown rice and oatmeal. Avoid breads (yep, even wheat) you're body will retain that water weight.. Honestly the best veggies to eat if you are holding on to water weight and you need to cut down a few pounds before a pool party or what-not is broccoli and asparagus. It works...went from 21% to 16% body fat in 1.5 months last summer. No fat burners, just all natural hard work and discipline.