rachelhaueter Member


  • I did this. And as I stated above, I saw arguments from both sides. Most of what I saw was a couple years old. I'm not looking for a short cut.
  • OP to you have any wrap recipes that will go along with these tortillas? I will have to try this. I have been thinking about trying some wraps but I don't like buying tortillas from the store as I find them to be quite bland and I wont use the entire package before they start to harden and go bad.
  • My two that don't live with me are 11 and 14. Pretty much a custody battle gone horribly wrong where I was given the crap covered end if the stuck because the judge was mad at me fir moving even though I was within my right to do so when I did have custody. I hadn't seen them since mast summer and after our 3 week visit I…
  • I like buying the Dole Frozen Strawberries and Bananas for my smoothies. I use one heaping cup per smoothie and find I can get about two out of the bag with a few pieces left over. I live in East Tennessee and here the prices is just over 3$ per bag at the Evil Empire (WalMart). If I go to the produce section, there are…
  • Thanks for the great tips you guys! (And that picture at the end made me do a snort laughing thing lol). I'd really like to purchase a bike and just go for a ride. Even if I just ride around every block in my complex since the roads are kind of dangerous around here. (I live next to one of the most dangerous Highways in…
  • Ok I will remember that. Thanks gang. I drink at least 5 or 6 cups of water a day and I will try to drink more as well as try to find lower sodium alternatives.
  • I'm a cna and work 11pm to 7am. I have issues with consistency when it comes to eating in the evening. At work I drink a lot of water and I try to have a healthy snack (tonight I brought a snack size bag of pistachios and 1/4 cup of chocolate covered raisins). I try to avoid the fast food places that are 24 hours and the…
  • I'd like to figure this out too. I'm a CNA so I'm constantly running back and forth tending to my patients, and the last two hours is non stop movement, since this is the time where I get people up in the morning. Walking briskly, lifting people, hauling huge bags of trash and linen, just movement in general. I bought a…
  • I love smoothies. This is how I get my daily fruit intake. 1 heaping cup of frozon strawberries and banana 1 cup orange juice (Minute Maid pulp free with calcium and vitamin C) 1 scoop of orange sherbert I just cant seem to bring myself to like yogurt no matter how much I try and I have never liked milk in my smoothies. I…
  • Boobiietrap I must declare my undying like for you based on your roller derby picture. Wanting to be able to do derby is part of what has me on this weight loss journey.
  • I'm personally trying to find a good weight loss yoga video or a good zumba video to try. I'm been told the actual classes are more fun however I have to lose weight on a budget of next to nothing and Ive had very bad experiences in the past going to gyms or workout classes.
  • This might seem silly but where can protien powder be purchased? I cant find any at my local evil empire (WalMart). Their health section and weight loss section is horrible. Filled with pills, fads, empty promises.
  • Oooh yes, please pm me a link. I was just looking at a Yoga video today, I'd love to see this. =)