Áfraid to believe my scale...

When I woke up today I stepped on the scale to weigh myself. It said 279. I smiled for a minute then got sad and started to tell myself it was just a fluke. I have been 300 pounds or over for the last 9 or 10 years.

This last week was horrible for me. I haven't tracked much if any of what I ate and not one minute of exercise was done. Ive been too stressed out about missing my two oldest kids and then a very stressful situation at work that has yet to be resolved. My weight has been fluxuating between 282 and up and I'm just afraid that my scale is lying and I wont go any lower.


  • rosej31
    rosej31 Posts: 189 Member
    We understand! That's why most does not like the scale for that same reason, so you are not alone., How old are your kids? Are they old enough to take care of themselves? I mean we worry about our kids at any age but if they older now they can take themselves. As far as job the job its always going have problem we can not solve everything so maybe during lunch you can for a walk outside.

    Do not worry about the numbers on the scale but how do you feel? Most of the times we feel like we lost but when weigh our self on the scale we get a different reading. Believe in your self and stay focus on the important things in life beside a scale.
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    I ALWAYS worry that the scale is wrong. Since this past autumn, I have weighed myself on two coin-operated digital scales, plus the impressive-looking digital scale at Weight Watchers, plus the fancy high-tech digital scale at Weight Loss Center of America, and all four scales are in agreement with each other. I only go to the Weight Loss Center scale now because it is the fanciest. I deduct a half-pound for summer-weight clothing. Yet, I am a little paranoid still... could these scales ALL be wrong and I am fatter than what I think? I always weigh at least 5 pounds less than I expect to see on the scale-- I gain 2 pounds and estimate that I've gained 9! (But I am not going to weigh myself at all while on this diet, until August.)
  • rachelhaueter
    rachelhaueter Posts: 41 Member
    My two that don't live with me are 11 and 14. Pretty much a custody battle gone horribly wrong where I was given the crap covered end if the stuck because the judge was mad at me fir moving even though I was within my right to do so when I did have custody. I hadn't seen them since mast summer and after our 3 week visit I wont see them again fir another year. Distance is why, they are I Texas and I'm in Tennessee.

    The work issue is complicated. I reported my charge nurse for sexual harrasment. Its a big mess involving quite a few people. I try not to rely on my scale but I forget to measure myself and stepping on the scale is easier to remember most days.

    I feel okay as far as my physical goes. A bit blah since I haven't exercised in a week but okay overall. I just really want to keep losing and this whole week just has me doubting my efforts and everything else.
  • plumsparkle
    plumsparkle Posts: 203 Member
    My boss, who used to be a personal trainer, tells me that you can't get a wrong low reading and I'd like to believe him :) he says you can get a false higher reading due to water etc but if the scales go lower that's what you weigh! It may be that you have eaten less than you think, or have got rid of some water weight or something. I have heard that muscles can hold onto water if you exercise, so maybe if you haven't been exercising, they have let some go. Either way, if it made you smile it has to be a good thing.
    I'm sorry to hear about what you are going through, it must be truly awful. My son moved to Japan over a year ago, and I haven't seen him since, and my daughter used to be a travel rep and I would see her for about 2 weeks in spring and 2 weeks in Autumn, so I can partly understand how you feel. Thank goodness for things like skype and Facebook is all i can say. But it is even more important that you look after yourself while trying to deal with it all and exercise is a great stress reliever. So try and use that lower reading as motivation to get back on it, and start tracking and exercising again. Use your anger at the situation to fuel some great workouts -or take up boxing or something! I used to have a punchbag and its amazing how good you feel after spending half an hour imagining whose face you are punching! :)