Favorite workout videos, por favor :)



  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    I like Shaun T's Rockin' Body and I think you can get the set fairly cheap now. Hip Hop Abs, too.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    And does anyone has suggestions that AREN'T on youtube? Don't get me wrong, youtube is FANTASTIC, but i also only just have my cell phone, no Internet or cokputer. And verizon has taken away my unlimited data (those *kitten*!) So watching a lot of videos on my phone is unfortunately out of the picture for me :(

    A couple of websites to get you started



    These sites sell DVDs.....but even better.....they rate videos for beginner, intermediate, etc. They tell you if it's high impact, if it requires equipment, if it has complicated (or basic) choreography, etc.

    I like Walk At Home DVDs....or Just Walk DVDs by Leslie Sansone. Older ones are called Walk Away the Pounds (music is too quiet for my taste). These are available at Wal-Mart, Target, etc. No equipment needed....occasionally one will require a resistance band. If you buy the DVD new....the band will be included. These are beginner thru intermediate. You make it as intense as you want with arms, added plyo (impact) type moves. They are chaptered, so a 5 mile DVD ......really gets you more options....not one long workout.

    Ana Caban has several pilates videos (a few others as well)....you will need a mat or carpeted floor. Quick Start Pilates for Weight Loss and Pilates Core Challenge are also in Spanish.
  • bridgegetsfit
    bridgegetsfit Posts: 32 Member
    Okay a lot of people are suggesting Jillian Michaels, but personally I can't stand her. This is unfortunate because I splurged and bought like 6 of her DVDS before realizing how annoying I found her. which is why I suggest trying to find a workout dvd to watch on online before going and buying it. I think finding an exercise program you enjoy especially in the beginning of your journey is super important.

    I like Shaun T, I think he's fun and he works out with you.
    So try hip hop abs if you like to dance.
  • sarahsc31
    sarahsc31 Posts: 24
    I love T25 because it is only 25 minutes, and it gives me fast results in inches lost and more strength! I have lost 27 inches over 11 sites on my body in just 3 weeks! I am heading into week four, and my energy level is great. I also take Raw Meal replacement every morning to boost my protein intake and I have positive energy all day. :)

    There is a modifier in case you have any knee issues because of all the jumping. I also have his Rockin' Body workout, and that is a pretty cheesy, but fun workout. The ab workout is only 10 minutes (no floor work), and I can really feel it. It is also pretty cheap in comparison to T25 - only $28 with shipping.
  • NCDJ2013
    NCDJ2013 Posts: 43 Member

    Cathe Friedrich does really intense workouts, I love her kickboxing. I know several people who swear by her but she requires more equipement.

    Cathe has many cardio workouts that don't require equipment. I like to do her step workouts without a step(can't risk my ankles if I trip) because it fits in a small space and the choreography is always interesting and challenging. You can do her weight workouts with dumbells and a barbell or bodybar. She is my absolute favorite.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Okay a lot of people are suggesting Jillian Michaels, but personally I can't stand her. This is unfortunate because I splurged and bought like 6 of her DVDS before realizing how annoying I found her. which is why I suggest trying to find a workout dvd to watch on online before going and buying it. I think finding an exercise program you enjoy especially in the beginning of your journey is super important.

    I like Shaun T, I think he's fun and he works out with you.
    So try hip hop abs if you like to dance.

    ^This is a good point......OP - do you have a library near you? At least you could try a few workouts to get a feel for the instructor/the workout style/ etc.

    I had a Netflix (by mail) subscription that allowed me "test drive" new workout every week. I found out real quick that I have two left feet, loathe Jillian Michaels, and need lower impact much of the time.

    Finding something you enjoy is going to make consistency much easier.
  • haleighallen
    haleighallen Posts: 209 Member
    Wow guys thanks so much for all the responses! So many of these workouts/people I've never even heard of so this is just awesome!! Thank you thank you!!!
  • haleighallen
    haleighallen Posts: 209 Member
    Bumping for the awesome night owl people!!????
  • haleighallen
    haleighallen Posts: 209 Member
    Where my night creepers at?! C'mon guys!
  • rachelhaueter
    rachelhaueter Posts: 41 Member
    I'm personally trying to find a good weight loss yoga video or a good zumba video to try. I'm been told the actual classes are more fun however I have to lose weight on a budget of next to nothing and Ive had very bad experiences in the past going to gyms or workout classes.