Hynniew Member


  • I wore shorts for the first time in 15 years, and my daughter said: "Hey, those look cute. Why don't you wear shorts more often?" And this from my brutally honest kid, who doesn't hesitate to tell me that the color yellow makes me look like barf...
  • I've lost 70 pounds in the past year or so. Some surprising consequences: I no longer want to hide my body... but I feel a lot colder without the extra fat, so I reach for a sweater anyway I lift weights, and I feel stronger than ever... and now the grocery store baggers suddenly offer to carry my groceries to my car for…
  • 5'3 and currently 173 pounds Just bought a pair of size 12 jeans that fit perfectly! Starting weight 222 pounds, size 16-18
  • Oh, I am soooo familiar with this problem! I can eat well all day, but once 10 pm rolls past, I have no will power at all... Here's what worked really well for me: I get up super early (like 5:30 or 6) in the morning and exercise for an hour before anyone else is up. That way, I burn a lot of extra calories - and the night…
  • Several things could "mask" an initial weight loss. For females, that "time of month" may temporarily add 1-3 pounds of water weight. And - hope this isn't too graphic- constipation could add a few temporary pounds as well, which will come off once your solve the issue by a higher fiber intake on your diet. As others have…
  • Your daily calorie goal will depend on how much weight you want to lose per week. Also, what activity level did you choose? I know a lot of people are into low-carb diets, but I don't think it makes much difference when it comes to losing weight as long as you stay within your calorie range. Best of luck!
  • Wait, so you work at night, and then you can't sleep in the day because you are watching the kids? Did I read that right? So when do you sleep? You need more than "naps", you need at least 7 hours of sleep. If your husband can't watch the kids while you sleep, you need to get a babysitter. No one can stay healthy without…