tinadoll99 Member


  • I can't seem to locate Stepmill on the cardio or strength part of MFP. I use on level 2 for 15 minutes, 5 forward and 5 sideways on each side. I keep at level 2 because I need to protect my knees, but it still gets my heart rate up to 165. I am 53 so this works perfect for me.
  • Easiest is tracking and the hardest is getting the activity in. Doesn't help that I have a broken rib but I am sure when I heal the activity will start back up. Then the hardest part for me will be the sweets (that is really my addiction!)
  • My birthday is tomorrow and I told my daughter exactly what I wanted. Angel food cake made with applesauce as a more fat free choice. Then to include fresh fruit with a fat free whipped topping. She said that if that is what I want then that is what I will get. It is my way of planning ahead for my own birthday. Now…