paigele Member


  • Apple cider vinegar is a natural probiotic, so it is logical to see a positive health benefit when incorporating it to your plan. Other natural probiotics and prebiotics include sour pickles, miso soup, soft cheeses, sourdough breads, sauerkraut (the real stuff, not over-processed ), legumes, honey, red wine, asparagus and…
  • Feel free to add me as a friend and I hope to be able to encourage you. This is a good community for health oriented peeps of all walks.
  • Try this "sauce" on your food any time (including breakfast) I c whole milk greek yogurt with 1 tsp turmeric powder. YUMMY
  • Just make sure you get appropriate nutrition. You may need to take a multivitamin. I had to add potassium supplements in my routine, for example. If you look at your diary summary on your smart phone app it will give you a very thorough breakdown on nutrients. I use this daily to make sure I plan appropriately for key…
  • Running/cycling, and Gardening!!! :0) Also do you sew? Learn how to make rag quilts (they're easy) or take on painting. :)
  • Instead of focusing on the 30 regained, try looking at the 35 you kept off, and count it as a small victory toward the end goal of long life and excellent health. I am more motivated by the small steps I make along my journey than I ever was dreaming about what an ideal would look like. When I think about what I think I…
  • Drink 8 oz. water before you go to bed. This seems counter productive, because you will be making an argument about mid-sleep bathroom trips, but when you sleep you are exhaling moisture and it keeps you from getting too dry, thus keeping your body from trying to retain water. When you wake up have another glass as you…
  • I baked potatoes in the slow cooker this week, putting eggs in with the potatoes about 2 hours before they were done to also cook them, set all of it aside to cool and then peeled the potatoes and eggs later to make potato salad.
  • Welcome aboard. This is a good place for keeping track of progress. Once you learn to navigate it, you will discover it has lots of interesting features.
  • chia seeds 4 g protein per 2 tbsp. cottage cheese 13 g per half cup, quinoa 8 g per cup
  • It took about 3 weeks for my body to start making measurable changes. Don't worry. It will happen if you are getting plenty of rest, water and the right foid/output ratio. You are probably increasing your muscle percentage.
  • Community has been key for me. I have found insight from other members as well received words of caution MFP friends who don't want to see me make bad decisions. The apps integration also is a big help, my ability track nutritional value and set goals based on percentage cars, fat protein calories. Great program. I…
  • Hi Hundred Day. I am not a nutritionist or fitness trainer, just a gal on the journey with you. The best I can offer you is in parts: First, don't make any adjustments to caloric intake until you have stayed with your tracking for a minimum of two weeks. Your body will gain muscle, lose water, and get regulated in the…
  • I disconnected and then reconnected the apps and it did not update.
  • Yes. Mine began last night. Last successful communication between FB and MFP was at 19:00
  • Re-establish your relationship with food by viewing it as a fuel source. Think about it as the gas for your primo quality engine that is you. How often do you stop at cheap gas pumps if you know that it may be watered down gas? Probably not very often. Try to view nutrition the same way. Quality selection means longer…
  • My friend illustrated it to me this way- How nutrient rich is your intake? Health related sites all over are advocating eating foods which have avoided excessive chemical additives, and that is great if you can reach that goal for peace of mind. Being in healthcare I know (as do many who visit here) how the body processes…
  • If these suggestions to not improve this, see your medical professional. It might be nothing, but it also could be something quite serious. Not to scare you, but headaches onset with physical exertion are not something to write off. If you ever experience any of these associated with it, seek immediate medical attention:…
  • black coffee-Gevalia house blend (has a touch of caramel undertones.) Yummy!
  • of horse-whisperers
  • Daytime stock broker Night self standup comedian(ne)
  • I use Genepro. Here is a review.
  • was softened
  • I like to watch the forums, like this one, to give me ideas. I saw a post recently about someone who accepted a challenge to "eat the rainbow" every day, for example. (Many different colored fruits and vegetables offer different health benefits from their vitamin content.) Because I watch my macros, I generally plan food…
    in Variety ? Comment by paigele April 2017
  • The texture is a bit off-putting on the first attempt, but it isn't bad. Add scallions and a meat of some sort and it can be quite filling.
  • Your ID does not identify gender or male/female, and you also did not indicate what your gym focus is, so it is difficult to discern how to offer support. If you are alternating strength training with cardio, than you are likely converting to muscle, so measure your progress in inches lost, I would say. If you have…
  • I do. Absolutely. Sometimes, so you have to be active looking up ideas of things that fit your personal goals (high protein etc.) I start with my target (for example, if I having rice or quinoa, I want to limit it to a half cup per serving) and measure it into container, then log it onto the day I plan to eat it as I prep.…
    in Meal Prep Comment by paigele April 2017
  • If you aren't getting sufficient sleep, it may be the stress hormone, cortisol that is your enemy. Take measurements, because since matter is always converted from one form to another it is quite likely you have muscle where you used to have fat and fewer inches as a result. Don't be discouraged. Make sure your diet has…
  • We would plan a hike together to enjoy the sunshine, while trying to figure out how to bust out.