5 days in! Question regarding exercise logging & looking for MFP friends!

Hi there,

I'm 23 years old, female. I weigh 14st 2lbs and am looking to reach atleast 10st.

Starting off on a 100 day personal challenge. Haven't managed to stick to a diet for more than 3 weeks before now, hence setting a goal with long term intention of keeping it up!

I've so far logged everything I've eaten, however some are slight estimates based on similar foods (as some of it was made up food from deli counters and such). I've cut down lots on the amount I was eating and I'm satisfied that I'm within my calorie limits.

I do have a quick question, seems to be the million dollar one based on various other threads I've read whilst on my hunt for the answer! Logging exercise calories...

So, my current (before 5 days ago) exercise levels were pretty non-existent. Very lazy - love my bed and have an office job. Therefore I marked my activity level as sedentary upon sign up. This week I've started putting on my fitbit, tracking my cycles or walks and logging it on here.

Say I achieve my 10k steps goal, do I earn extra calories for this as it isn't exercise I'd normally do (I've been earning steps during a dedicated 5k walk and such)? Or do I just earn extra calories for swimming/cycling/gym etc?

I hope this isn't a silly question, I just don't know if mfp has an expectation that I perhaps am already achieving so many steps and I should be excerising on top of this to earn extra?

Just want to make sure I'm doing things right and still not overeating (or need to be trying to achieve more exercise!).

Any advice on this would be hugely appreciated.

Also, I'd love to have some friends on here. To offer and receive encouragement. I love swimming and cycling. Have a gym membership and will be starting tomorrow!

Feel free to add me, look forwards to getting to know some of you :)!



  • LovesDogsAndBooks
    LovesDogsAndBooks Posts: 190 Member
    Hi, I'm fairly new here myself, but I think I can say that if you have chosen sedentary in your settings, the calories given by MFP do not include any exercises. My first week here I was trying to figure out how many calories to log for the exercises I do, but I don't have any gadget or app that would help with it and I found it a hassle, so I just don't log my exercises. I do some sort of exercise 5 - 6 days a week, so on those days I just don't feel bad if I go over my goal by 100 or 200 calories. Now, for some people this would not be specific enough, but for me it works, at least for now. Much success on your journey!
  • 100DaySprint
    100DaySprint Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm fairly new here myself, but I think I can say that if you have chosen sedentary in your settings, the calories given by MFP do not include any exercises. My first week here I was trying to figure out how many calories to log for the exercises I do, but I don't have any gadget or app that would help with it and I found it a hassle, so I just don't log my exercises. I do some sort of exercise 5 - 6 days a week, so on those days I just don't feel bad if I go over my goal by 100 or 200 calories. Now, for some people this would not be specific enough, but for me it works, at least for now. Much success on your journey!

    Thanks very much, that's perfect. Also your method of logging sounds similar to how I'm wanting to log in terms of just being in the ballpark figure/close enough. I don't want to become very obsessive so that I get upset if I'm not spot on one day. As you said, for now it's a plan.

    Thanks again for the reply, good luck to you too :smile: !
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    You can connect your Fitbit to MFP and you'll get an adjustment for what you burn over your maintenance calories (though I wouldn't today, the two aren't communicating at the moment)
  • paigele
    paigele Posts: 123 Member
    Hi Hundred Day.
    I am not a nutritionist or fitness trainer, just a gal on the journey with you.
    The best I can offer you is in parts: First, don't make any adjustments to caloric intake until you have stayed with your tracking for a minimum of two weeks. Your body will gain muscle, lose water, and get regulated in the beginning, and you may not even see a scales change in the first month-though you will most likely see a better shape emerging as you remind your body what muscle tone is. TONED MUSCLE HELPS OVERALL METABOLISM!
    Exercise calories should be tracked (even fit bit exercise calories- I assume you already have linked the programs) to help your body fuel healthy cells appropriately. Make sure you are getting sufficient protein, especially on exercise days, but don't overdo it as this can lead to health issues. Look for guidance on what is appropriate for you based on your activity level and age from reputable sources.
    There is no solid answer to adjustments that works for all people, but I have found that friends that tend to want to throw their hands in the air in defeat after a stagnant time, when they stay in community and balance proper sleep, relaxation time and nutrition end up getting healthy in the end.
    As you begin to build your exercise additions under activities logged you will find it easier to access exercise not picked up by the Fitbit.
    Strength training exercises (though they raise your heart rate) do not add calories to the diet.
    I tend to fluctuate under or over recommended calories by as much as 200 calories in a day, sometimes more, not often right on target. Some flexibility is probably going to keep you from becoming too rigid and giving up early by making it too hard.
    Very important also is the quality of your food. Lots of variety in the end will keep you interested and will make your body strong.
    I don't know if this helped. I hope it did.