

  • Depending on her frame and height, 105 isnt unhealthy.
  • Drama?? Is there that much on here?
  • Thank you. I actually made this awesome spreadsheet that is much more thorough than MFP to track. The only issues I have had is that my protein intake is not high enough. I do buy my groceries ahead of time with a very detailed meal plan and do not have any snacks in my house. This week has just been awful since I haven't…
  • Welcome! I totally understand your struggle! I am 23 and I am trying to do the same thing! My metabolism is not as good as yours though. I run about 20 miles per week, do toning exercises M-F, hike about 8 hours total on the weekends, and consume 1300 calories per day to slowly shrink my 27" waistline. I have never been…
  • Hi! I don't quite have the handfull you do, but I to work 12+ hour days 5-6 days per week. I did find this the other day when I was planning my grocery list. Most of the recipes are pretty cheap and VERY easy to make.…