5-10lbs to lose! Today starts my journey

Let me start out by saying my profile picture was something I found on Google. It is what I want to look like at the end of this weight loss and it helps motivate me seeing that picture every time I open my app to add on calories and exercise.

I'm 21 years old and have actually never dieted before. I have a fast metabolism, so anything I eat is usually burned off right away. However, I've become unemployed, and so I haven't been very active besides strength building workouts 1-3 times a week. I've been putting on VERY LITTLE fat over the years, but now it's gotten its worst, and for some reason, my body is unable to burn off stored fat. :( So here I am.

I weigh 128lbs right now, but since I've been building so much muscle lately and plan to continue building muscle while I lose weight, I can't say how much I'm going to have to lose, but it's between the 5-10lbs mark. I'm striving for a gorgeous hourglass figure, and this belly bulge is the one thing standing in my way. I've been unemployed since April, so I've put on a lot of visceral fat, which only exercise will really tackle.

My program:
I'm trying to keep calories under 1,500 a day, and I've begun walking/jogging for 1hr each morning (3-4 miles) and walking 20-30 minutes each night. I consume 60-80g of protein a day to retain my muscle mass. I'm drinking green tea at each meal to help burn fat even faster, and I'm drinking an L-Carnitine supplement twice a day (right before meals) to help my body break down fat and use it for energy. This above all else should really help me over that hurdle. I'm switching to low fat and using a yogurt salad dressing instead of full-fat dressings. I'm also taking maca to help increase my testosterone levels (high T helps prevent visceral fat). I only take it low-dose, but it should also help me build more muscle as well. I also take fish oil pills I have leftover in the hopes of building lean muscle.

I also ordered a thermogenic cream and will be making a Yohimbine HCl wrap with it for my arms (I think I'll lose my good feminine curves before I lose fat there, so I'm trying to lose it without risking everything I've worked so hard to get these past 7 months). I may also use it to tone up the skin on my legs and stomach towards the end if I feel I'm not toned enough. Also, I'm "irregular", and I've been using probiotics about two weeks now. I've already lost over 3lbs just from becoming regular! It's a huge difference on my small frame, so I can't wait to see how drastic this ten pounds will look!

I plan to lose at least one pound a week, and should be losing about that fast if I keep with my routine (possibly faster). I plan to lose all this weight in one to two months (tops!) and hope to get my 27" waist down to my natural 25" size. I've taken before photos and will post them at the end of all this. :) It doesn't seem like a lot of weight to lose to some people, but this is the biggest I've ever been, and if I don't address this problem now, things will only get worse (since my body won't burn fat naturally). So far, it's the first day, and eating so little is killing me. But I know once I reach my goal, I'll be able to go back to my old eating habits, and as long as I keep up with the exercise, it shouldn't come back.

I'm going through all this because I've always thought of diet pills as cheating (except for people with actual problems and who can't physically exercise properly). I'm going to do this the all natural way. I've only been jogging twice so far, and I already feel so much healthier. I almost feel lighter already, if that's possible (lol). I want to get to the point where jogging the whole 4 miles straight is almost nothing. I'm so glad I found this site and app, and some of the before and afters on here are AMAZING!


  • NeCrafty
    Welcome! I totally understand your struggle! I am 23 and I am trying to do the same thing! My metabolism is not as good as yours though. I run about 20 miles per week, do toning exercises M-F, hike about 8 hours total on the weekends, and consume 1300 calories per day to slowly shrink my 27" waistline. I have never been able to get it down to 25" though (lucky girl!). So, I am just trying to lose that one stubborn inch.
    Have you been measuring yourself to calculate body fat? My goal weight is 119, but more importantly, my goal body fat percentage is 21%. Good luck on your journey!