New to MFP (kind of) and frustrated


I have been using the MFP calorie counter and exercise tracker for a month or two now, but I haven't ever really participated in the forum/ community section. I am in desperate need of some motivation though.

I am trying to lose 6 lbs. I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but so far it has been like the Trials of Job. It took me about 1 month to lose 2-3 lbs. Now, all of that work is gone. I had a massive binge week. Now, I am really demotivated and all I want to do is get a double quarter pounder smothered in bacon and a large fry. :(


  • kramalicious
    Hi and welcome, I just joined a few weeks ago. My suggestion is to commit for two weeks to eating the right balance of protein, fats and carbs out of healthy foods and getting exercise. Plan it ahead and buy the groceries for it so you don't have to scrounge (is that a word?) for the right foods. It helps a lot with food cravings. You can give yourself a "cheat" day a week and still lose weight if you eat clean the rest of the time. Still, be sure to log your food even though you cheat. I learned this from reading here and it helps keep it all in moderation. Even your cheat meals will get healthier over time. At least you don't have a lot to lose!
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    Welcome aboard to the social aspect. It can be very motivating if you choose your friends wisely and drop the drama quickly!
  • NeCrafty
    Thank you. I actually made this awesome spreadsheet that is much more thorough than MFP to track. The only issues I have had is that my protein intake is not high enough. I do buy my groceries ahead of time with a very detailed meal plan and do not have any snacks in my house. This week has just been awful since I haven't been able to run more than 3 miles/day due to a knee injury. :/
  • NeCrafty
    Drama?? Is there that much on here?
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    I get a lot of motivation from simply reading on the message boards about other's struggles which are sometimes the same as mine. I don't know why but it helps me keep in mind what I want for my life....... HEALTH