

  • Hi Chelsea. I'm studying education as well. EC-6th grade. I sent you a friends request. Congrats on the 4 pound weight loss! :)
  • Don't beat yourself up, everyone has those moments! & you've already lost 23 pounds, so CONGRATS!!
  • For my TOM its like the "I'm full" switch in my brain is broken. I seriously could eat non-stop for 5 days and never feel full at all....
  • All of your tips were great! Thank you so much!!! :happy: I ate a very large granny smith apple about 30 minutes before I left I packed a water bottle. I actually skipped the pizza all together (hard for me to do, but love that I'm not feeling guilty now) because there was a very large greek salad at the party which I ate…
  • Atkins was the worst! I love love love carbs, so why I thought I could do it in the 1st place stumps me! Got bored with the foods & my breath changed... No matter how much I brushed my teeth, popped mints, & chewed gum... my breath was really weird. After 2 weeks I couldn't take it anymore.
  • "That dress is so cute! & when you lose weight it will look perfect!" ...... this was said to me by a friend when we were shopping at the mall... rude!
  • To cut back on Diet Coke I quit buying it at the grocery store. But every time I go out to eat I order one ;) If I told myself I could never have diet soda again, I'm the type that would go out & buy a 12 pack that day, haha.
  • If you do that you'll lose the weight in the short term, its just going to be really hard to keep it off when you start eating more than just the shakes, fruits, & veggies.
  • I take my measurements once a month & I weigh myself under the same conditions every day... I wake up, use the restroom, & then weight myself. I don't think weighing yourself everyday works for everyone, but it does for me. I log my weight into my phone everyday. Some days it is discouraging to see a 4lb weight gain in 1…
  • Congrats of quitting! I haven't had a cigarette since February 23, 2011, so almost 2 whole months :) I chewed gum all day for the 1st 2 weeks, ate carrots, celery, & 100cal packs of popcorn... What worked the best was that I made sure that I worked out really hard every morning. When I would be out of breath from cardio &…
  • I've experienced this too, so don't feel alone! It was really weird the first time someone made a big deal about my weight loss, I felt so uncomfortable, & they were just being nice. For example, I went into the salon where my sister works to get a haircut & when I was walking to her chair she said "Look at how much weight…