I'm wondering the same thing!
Add me!
I love Billy Blank's workouts. I've lost 11 pounds so far from his Bootcamp/Tae Bo DVDs. I just ordered three more DVDs this week.
A friend gave me the Ripped in 30 Days as a gift. I like JM so I thought I would give it a try. I finished my workout this morning.
Don't give up! I've loss just over 17 pounds in 50 days and I don't diet well. I try to exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
Here's my diet plan: I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying home.
I think I will stick with the new Digital scale. I weighed on both and the Digital is 6 pounds more. So I made adjustments in my starting weight from 195 to 202. I still have lost 7 pounds so I now weigh 194 (as of my last weigh-in on May 4).
TaeBo are great workouts. I did the Cardio Sculpt and Insane Abs today.
Diet and cardio will help you lose fat.
Welcome to the site.
I'm new here too.
I'm on day 9!
I'm going to 30 in the fall.
I love the show, but I don't get BBC America, so I always have to wait for the DVDs to come out.
Beginner AMPED Rotation: Week 1: Monday: Jump Start Cardio Tueaday: Fat Burn Accelerator Wednesday: Core Express Thursday: Rest Friday: Jump Start Cardio Saturday: Fat Burn Accelerator Sunday: Core Express Week 2: Monday: Jump Start Cardio Tuesday: Fat Burn Accelerator Wednesday: Core Express Thursday: Rest Friday: Jump…
It's day #2 for me.
Maybe just Tae Bo.
Currently single, so yes I would like to improve my sex life, but my reason for losing weight is to get healthier and fit into my old cothes.
I'll be 30 in September.
Thanks for the nice welcome.
I started This is Tae Bo today.
I've been a Tae Bo fan since last year. I have one Advanced on VHS and some on DVD. I have all of the Amped, Bootcamp, Bootcamp Elite. I've been buying them from a Thrift Store. I also have This is Tae Bo (which I started today), Cardo Infernio, and Insane Abs, all from Wal-mart. I also have Cardo Sculpt ordered.
Have you tried grilling a hamburger? I gril a lot during the spring and summer.