

  • The studies are not conclusive on the affects of aspartame on developing fetuses. That being said I drank a bottle of regular coke every day after the first trimester and I didn't gain abnormal weight untill I had to go live in a hotel closer to the hospital. Try not to obsess over calories when you're pregnant. Stay…
  • Its crazy what kids get into there heads these days. I would toss my tv, but I'm totally addicted to the food network. My step-daughter is 5 and she is constantly spouting stuff from her other home. I'm terrified of the affect it will have on my little one. She thinks that high heels are sexy and that brown hair is not as…
  • Oh and drs are few and far between where I'm from. We have to travel two hours to give birth so you can imagine what its like to see a specailist.
  • I guess I should explain a bit more. My baby is 8 1/2 months old. She was an emergancy c-section and I quit smoking the moment I saw her. I have 7lbs to go before I'm at my pre-pregnancy weight, but I want to be at my active weight, like when me and my husband started dating.