Indygirlien Member


  • I cannot STAND Conda... and WHY is she such a big influence on these people... I am kinda confused as to why Daphne would do that to her own team. Knowing they would figure it out. But CONDA NEEDS TO GO!
  • Im not new to MFP but I am a returning user who obviously needs help and motivation! :) Im here if you need me, and I hope you will do the same!
  • Dang, that is A LOT of food! LOL! I felt like I was eating all day and I only ate 1200 calories so far!
  • Let people tell you you look great. Be proud of what you have lost and know that gaining every now and again isnt horrible. Dont give up and keep making yourself look even more great than you already do!
  • this might sound crazy, but if you have the ability to watch while working out, watch the Biggest Loser. Watching them makes me feel like if they go through 8 hours of working out a day, I can get up off the couch and do it! Keep your head up! We are all here to motivate!