

  • Totally understand. When I came back regularly to MFP in October I cut down to two days out a week max. As much as going out relieved stress, the weight and bloating added back a new stress the next morning.
  • Yeah....The drinking is adding a ton of calories that make me eat things I never would sober (Taco Bell). Did changing what you drank helped (beer over liquor or whatever?)
  • My pound per week is at two - where it's been since I started. I think I see the problem. My nights out are killing me.
  • Yeah.....I think the fries need to go for good. And thanks for the tip on the sodium I added that to my tracks and hopefully that will give me a heads up.
  • What do you mean changing from 1350 - up or down? And my goals are in flux right now. My original goal of 160 which was where I was at before I gained the weight seems a little silly now that I've bulked up from working out. So I think I'm going to try to shift from weight goals to measurement goals. Any tips? For exercise…
  • thanks, just opened :]