Struggling in college.

Hey anybody out there in college. I can do pretty well during the week but come weekend after a few drinks it is hard to restrain myself. Looking to find some other people with this problem or that have overcome it.

I'm Skip btw.


  • miahh
    miahh Posts: 13 Member
    I have this problem quite a bit. on the weekend I just want to eat everything in sight and it's hard to remember that beer has calories too ;) school can get so crazy at times, all I want to do is eat chocolate. feel free to add me!
  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    I used to binge hard on weekends during college. Like, 5000 cal+ binges. It's hard I know, especially with all of the cheap and awesome food.

    What really helped me was toning down my drinking. I didn't get wasted, but instead just enough to enjoy myself and not lose self-control.
    There's really no magic cure though, you kind of just have to push yourself through it. Eventually I looked at myself and realized, I don't want to have food hangovers the next day anymore and heartburn and feel like crap.
  • I'm in uni too. The trick I use at the pub is for every alcoholic drink I have, I have to drink one glass of water. That way i'm only drinking half the amount my friends are drinking....and I'm not going to be hung over the next day. :)
  • I feel you, Kiddo. My whole life is upside-down right now in the fitness department.
  • I totally get you! Last year of school and I am forever out drinking with friends and before I know it I've doubled my daily calorie in take and i haven't eaten anything! I've had to only allow myself one drink and reduce the amount of time I spend out with my friends! It takes time but you can do it! Studies stress you out and hanging with friends relieves the stress but you can still have fun without the bad stuff! =] Best of Luck to you! =]
  • I used to binge hard on weekends during college. Like, 5000 cal+ binges. It's hard I know, especially with all of the cheap and awesome food.

    What really helped me was toning down my drinking. I didn't get wasted, but instead just enough to enjoy myself and not lose self-control.
    There's really no magic cure though, you kind of just have to push yourself through it. Eventually I looked at myself and realized, I don't want to have food hangovers the next day anymore and heartburn and feel like crap.

    Yeah....The drinking is adding a ton of calories that make me eat things I never would sober (Taco Bell). Did changing what you drank helped (beer over liquor or whatever?)
  • I totally get you! Last year of school and I am forever out drinking with friends and before I know it I've doubled my daily calorie in take and i haven't eaten anything! I've had to only allow myself one drink and reduce the amount of time I spend out with my friends! It takes time but you can do it! Studies stress you out and hanging with friends relieves the stress but you can still have fun without the bad stuff! =] Best of Luck to you! =]

    Totally understand. When I came back regularly to MFP in October I cut down to two days out a week max. As much as going out relieved stress, the weight and bloating added back a new stress the next morning.
  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    I used to binge hard on weekends during college. Like, 5000 cal+ binges. It's hard I know, especially with all of the cheap and awesome food.

    What really helped me was toning down my drinking. I didn't get wasted, but instead just enough to enjoy myself and not lose self-control.
    There's really no magic cure though, you kind of just have to push yourself through it. Eventually I looked at myself and realized, I don't want to have food hangovers the next day anymore and heartburn and feel like crap.

    Yeah....The drinking is adding a ton of calories that make me eat things I never would sober (Taco Bell). Did changing what you drank helped (beer over liquor or whatever?)

    Depends. If you want to get drunk but stay low on cals, definitely go with the liquors and diet cokes, etc. Clear liquors are better, vodka, gin, etc.
    Beers might help you fill up and not want to eat as much afterwards. IDK, depends on how your body reacts. Mine would say beer because the liquor won't fill me up.
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    While it might not make you the most popular guy on campus, not drinking would do wonders!.
  • tikafly
    tikafly Posts: 184 Member
    Exercise more and enjoy yourself!
  • mrsgigandet
    mrsgigandet Posts: 53 Member
    I'm a college student who DOESN'T drink, but I still have the same problems. I eat great during the week, but just want to eat junk when the weekends come and I'm trying to cram :-/ I'd love some advice, too.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    While it might not make you the most popular guy on campus, not drinking would do wonders!.

    ^ this! i'm not 21 yet, but i don't drink, and don't plan on starting. :) however, i like the suggestion about the water rule!