rmoles18 Member


  • bump love me some chickpeas!
    in Chickpeas Comment by rmoles18 April 2012
  • My husband definitely knows, only because i say - CAN YOU BELIEVE I WEIGH THIS MUCH??? lol but if i didnt tell him, he would probably say about 20 pounds less than I am. I say this only because I weight 185 and look like I weigh 140. Im 5'8" and a size 8-10(depending on brand). I dont think they really need to know - if i…
  • Always keep your head up and remember, doing this has got to be better than what you were doing! By doing this, you are taking control of your life and your future. Your child will see how you are eating and exercising and learn that this is the way that life is - eating well and doing physical activity are a part of every…
  • 15 pounds in a month is wonderful! What kind of exercise are you doing? I just began on monday and I am having a really hard time sticking to the diet (have already cheated once). I am doing Zumba for 45 minutes a night and a workout routine i found on Pinterest where you focus on different areas of your body every day for…