HI! Need support with your goal?

Hi, everyone! I've been using MFP for about a little over a month now... but I just recently started participating in the message boards and would like to make more friends on here. My friends who introduced me to MFP have stopped using it... =(

If you need motivational support, I give it gladly!

I started at 175lbs, lost 15.... 40 more to go! Add me =)


  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    Hi, Good job dropping those 15 lbs, I've dropped 30 with 30 more to go, I notice you in Long Beach, that's cool... I ride bikes all over LA. MFP has been very helpful.

    good luck on your journey!
  • mrosem87
    mrosem87 Posts: 31
    Thank you! Isn't it dangerous riding bikes in LA? I used to bike to school when I was younger and rode over a pothole and ate asphalt really bad. Haven't been back on two wheels since then =(. Lol.
  • mrosem87
    mrosem87 Posts: 31
    oh and 27 lbs is great! Congrats. What exercise regime are you doing?
  • bucklebirch
    I could always use some more support! Feel free to add me:)
  • rmoles18
    rmoles18 Posts: 7 Member
    15 pounds in a month is wonderful! What kind of exercise are you doing? I just began on monday and I am having a really hard time sticking to the diet (have already cheated once). I am doing Zumba for 45 minutes a night and a workout routine i found on Pinterest where you focus on different areas of your body every day for 5 days. Looking for new workouts and since yours seems to be working, would really like to know the secret!

    Good luck!
  • mrosem87
    mrosem87 Posts: 31
    I use p90x as my workout routine. I really like it because it alternates weight-training and cardio days. It also has a yoga day! I never knew yoga can make you sweat so much. Lol. How do you like Zumba so far? I see many people mention it on here but have never really looked into it myself.

    I also keep track of my food now with MFP and now since I have to log it, I'm more aware of the food choices I'm making. =)

    The first 15lbs came off easily... but lately, I've stalled at it. I'm trying not to let that discourage me. Lol.