AKH137 Member


  • Keeping track of your eating and exercise is a great way to get started, but I wouldn't look at it as a diet. Look at it as a healthier way of eating and living. 10 pounds by July shouldn't be too difficult, so good luck with it all and I hope you look amazing in your wedding dress.
  • I think that's wonderful!!!!!! I've been at it about 2 weeks also, and have lost 5 pounds. What still surprises me about the MFP system is that I can still have a bad day or cheat a bit, and still lose the weight. Since my daily totals are way lower than what I used to consume (almost 3000 calories a day on some days -…
  • Ok...here's what I'm wondering. I'm still new at this and trying to figure some stuff out. The other day I had a bad day and ate too much to make up for it. (Bad idea...I know.) I was approximately 100 calories over my daily alotted amount after exercise. My question is: If I went about 100 calories under my alotted…
  • From what Komosabe was saying... there is also a book called "I Can Make You Thin" by Paul McKenna. I read it and it was really helpful. It discusses eating slowly and enjoying your food. Eating slowly can be helpful because it makes you pay more attention to what you are actully putting in your mouth. Created by…
  • Thanks for all of the encouragement and suggestions!! I still have 60 pounds to go, but I feel more like I can do it now.
  • I'm not sure where to start. I'm a woman from New Jersey who has been overweight my entire life. I was picked on for my weight throughout school, but now it's time to change. My husband thinks I'm beautiful, but for once I want me to feel beautiful about me. I want to look better in my clothes and try to maintain a…