mrskellit Member


  • I've been having problems as well (both on my work computer and the app on my iPhone). It's working now, but I can't see any of my pictures.
  • I have IBS but have been able to use whey protein without any problems. I think since my diet is much more balanced in general, the whey doesn't seem to bother me as much.
  • Best MFP conversation ever.
  • K13694, those are amazing results! I just hit level 2 yesterday. Holy cow. I felt like I was flailing my way through most of the plank-ish moves. Today was a tiny bit easier--it felt very similar to my first 2 days on level 1 (still difficult but I felt a bit more in control). I can already see a bit of slimming in the…
  • I just started the Shred 5 days ago. Hoooboy was I sore the first few days, but I'm feeling good now! My 8 year old said it looks like it's working. He is probably just blowing smoke up my butt, but it sure feels good to hear! heh.
  • I agree, it sounds a tad bit silly (only from the working-to-running perspective). I've been working a desk job for, oh, 12 years? I just started running in the past year or so. I don't think your sedentary job has anything to do with leg pain while running. Are you starting out slow? I did the runners world beginner…
  • I just wanted to chime in about it taking maybe 1 mile in before you hit your stride. I went from thinking I was dying after 2 minutes of running, to not wanting to stop after about 30. I felt like I could conquer the world. Runner's high! Well, I still feel that way, but I haven't been able to run in a month (car…
  • Oh geez, mine are kind of embarrassing... New Kids on the Block (multiple times...teehee) Prince En Vogue Arrested Development New Edition Blackstreet 702 Smashing Pumpkins Garbage No Doubt Bush (Gavin...mmmm) Goo Goo Dolls Red Hot Chili Peppers Foo Fighters Tony Bennet Going to see the Avett Brothers this month! I know…
  • My first thought was about your shoes. How many miles have you put on your shoes?