

  • Please remember: people are attracted to who you are -- not what you look like. Those who are naive enough to judge you only on your looks are not worth maintaining a friendship nor acquaintance with. Be proud of your accomplishments, your fun personality, and your favorite thing about yourself. When you feel discouraged,…
    in Need Help!!! Comment by aliakat May 2011
  • You are single, why? lol! Thanks, it is always nice to be appreciated and complimented :)
  • Oooh, please don't call 34 yrs of age old!!! :(
  • Oooh, please don't call 34 yrs of age old!!! :(
  • In my opinion, periods don't count :) I never weigh in during that time of the month, and allow a few splurges -- like I said before, chocolate should be respected and appreciated once a month! :) Still, I am struggling with this myself. Last night I wanted chocolate -- and food in general -- all night! I actually searched…
  • The Wiggles -- I forgot to mention The Wiggles. I know some parents can't stand them, but I guarantee if you do the dances along with these hyper energetic guys and their tireless dance crew, you will get a full aerobic workout!! I never realized the benefits until trying to do the ENTIRE video, not just one or two dances,…
  • My son loves working out with me -- he is the weight :) Together, we do sit ups and leg lifts (lay on my back, place him on my ankles and either extend my legs and lift them from the hip, or bend my knees and lift from the knee -- for the later, my son will often ride on my feet). This works awesome because it also forces…
  • Hi~ Welcome to MFP! I hope you enjoy your experience here! :) Don't be discouraged about your weight gain; remember: muscle weighs more than fat. If you are increasing your tone, you may gain initially while building up your muscle mass.
  • Firstly, Congratulations on reaching your first goal!! That is a huge accomplishment!! Secondly, regarding food and work: I understand a hectic schedule. Still, if you can eat junk food while you work, you can nibble on vegi-chips (either fresh vegis cut in to chip size pieces, or the good potato chip alternative), a…
    in Frustrated!! Comment by aliakat May 2011
  • When my doctor first told me that I had to eliminate caffeine from my diet, I was not thrilled with the idea. The transition was harder than I imagined -- and I still sneak the occasional cup of coffee or soda when I am dragging. However, the thing that really helped me was liquid vitamin B (you place it under your tongue…
  • I agree that first you need to step on the scale... you may be surprised at how generous it can be :) Although you consumed more calories on vacation, you probably did more to burn them off too: walking, dancing, etc... :) I would say -- report your accurate weight. Not that I personally would want to do that (I would…
  • I think it would depend on how often you eat it... yes, there are disadvantages to can foods verses fresh foods, but the health advantages of eating fish: omega fatty acids especially; may out-weigh the disadvantages if it is an infrequent menu choice. Regarding the tuna, my family has switched to buying the bagged, rather…
    in Canned food Comment by aliakat May 2011
  • Hi -- If you are looking for a wholesome, nutritious and tasty diet; the first place I would go is your local health food store. Ask if they have any recipes or suggestions. Next, try the Weight Watchers cookbook -- it has some good recipes that are pretty healthy :) Otherwise: fresh is always best!! Use natural sweeteners…
  • Hi! I am also new to this site -- hopefully we can all help motivate and support each other! Look forward to getting to know you better :D Good luck!