Canned food

So i know most people say canned food is typically not good for you, but my question is about canned tuna, and sardines especially. Aren't those supposed to be good/healthy for you? I've always heard that sardines are one of the most healthy of fish. The kind i get are the ones that are in water, so if any opinions on if they are considered processed or unhealthy since they are canned?


  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    have you tried getting fresh of either item? I need to get the canned if I'm going to have them in my diet.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Well, tuna is notoriously high in mercury and it leaches BPA from the lining of the can, which isn't healthy either. I avoid as much canned food as I possibly can because of the BPA.
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    I'd like to know this also - I eat tuna all the time!
  • dxing
    dxing Posts: 115 Member
    Everything is pretty much processed one way or another, unless you have the cash to go completely organic. Meat is pumped full of growth hormones, vegetables have pesticides, etc. Tuna is one of the cheapest forms of protein, I wouldn't go without it.
  • Kimblesnbits
    Kimblesnbits Posts: 321 Member
    Yeah i don't eat tuna that much maybe once a week if im out and need to bring a snack with me, because I know about the mercury stuff. But what about sardines?
  • aristel
    aristel Posts: 110
    Everything is pretty much processed one way or another, unless you have the cash to go completely organic. Meat is pumped full of growth hormones, vegetables have pesticides, etc. Tuna is one of the cheapest forms of protein, I wouldn't go without it.

  • Kimblesnbits
    Kimblesnbits Posts: 321 Member
    I eat them as my snacks during the day so i dont have time to cook up fresh ones
  • aristel
    aristel Posts: 110
    Yeah i don't eat tuna that much maybe once a week if im out and need to bring a snack with me, because I know about the mercury stuff. But what about sardines?

    same as tuna
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    tuna also comes in the sealed packages instead of cans. I am not sure if that is any better but maybe an option/
  • fivemiles
    fivemiles Posts: 14
    It is only unhealty because of the preservatives. Check the salt content and see what kind of oils have been used, if you rinse it a couple of times after taking it out of the can, it should reduce the salt content. But fresh is definitely preferred. It is preferred because of its protein content.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    In moderation I wouldn't worry about it; but nutritionally the sodium is off the chain.

    I buy canned Tuna, Sardines, as well as others (like herring and trout) ...what's interesting is that if you don't mind a smoked flavor, the smoked fishes (depending on they smoke it) can be lower in sodium than non-smoked fish (as smoking is part of the preservation process) ...

    As far as the mercury, yeah it's high in the Tuna ... but if you steer clear of the solid white (which is actually the 'good stuff') and get chunk light, it's a lot lower in mercury.

    Again, moderation ... but you can never beat fresh! You can smoke it, cook it and freeze it, etc ... make your own tunafish sandwiches!
  • dxing
    dxing Posts: 115 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much. Eat your tuna
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    tuna also comes in the sealed packages instead of cans. I am not sure if that is any better but maybe an option/

    Great point ... and while it's still overcooked, it's no where as overcooked as canned tuna so it's much more tasty
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Yeah i don't eat tuna that much maybe once a week if im out and need to bring a snack with me, because I know about the mercury stuff. But what about sardines?

    Sardines should be fine, I just did a quick search and the links I found all said they're low in mercury compared with other fish. But, the BPA is still an issue. It's an endocrine disruptor and can cause health problems such as: obesity, neurological problems, thyroid problems, problems with dopamine receptors in the brain, cancers, and reproductive problems. BPA has been taken out of all baby products because of how dangerous it is but it remains in plenty of other products such as skin/hair/body care containers, aluminum cans, kitchen electronics, etc. Make sure to avoid hard clear plastic containers like blender and food processor containers, water pitchers, water bottles, etc. And make sure to read labels on all products you buy. At this time only VitaMix and Hamilton Beach make blenders and food processors without BPA.
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    Maybe go for tuna in the pouches instead of canned. I have no idea bout sardines lol but fresh is always better. I can hardly eat any thing canned any more I can taste the metal....
  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    Sardines and tuna are inexpensive and healthy proteins for the body. However, due to the high mercury content, I would highly recommend you drink a detox tea at least once a week to help flush the mercury out of your body. An excellent detox tea includes a combination of dandelion root, burdock root & milk thistle. You'll probably have to get this tea from a health food stores as I don't think I've ever seen them in regular grocery stores, unless of course it has a fairly large organic section.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    the plastics/ BPA thing is why I stepped back from the "bullet" currently using it as my blender died, but my blender has the base that attaches straight to mason jars so whatever I was making with it was in a glass container for carrying to work etc. Need to find some yard-sales and replace the blender hopefully soon, maybe even add to the mason jars..
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Sardines and tuna are inexpensive and healthy proteins for the body. However, due to the high mercury content, I would highly recommend you drink a detox tea at least once a week to help flush the mercury out of your body. An excellent detox tea includes a combination of dandelion root, burdock root & milk thistle. You'll probably have to get this tea from a health food stores as I don't think I've ever seen them in regular grocery stores, unless of course it has a fairly large organic section.

    A detox tea will not flush mercury from your body. Nothing will. The type of mercury found in fish is a water soluble, organic form of mercury that is easily absorbed by the body and does not get flushed. That's why it's such a big health concern, especially in pregnancy women and young children. High levels of mercury have been linked with Autism. The mercury gets stored and high levels of heavy metals in the brain, which is where they generally accumulate, cause all sorts of illnesses from Autism to Alzheimer's.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    So I know most people say canned food is typically not good for you, but my question is about canned tuna, and sardines especially. Aren't those supposed to be good/healthy for you? I've always heard that sardines are one of the most healthy of fish. The kind I get are the ones that are in water, so if any opinions on if they are considered processed or unhealthy since they are canned?

    Actually Most canned foods are OK, IF you get NO Sodium. They have the same NUTRITION levels as fresh or dried foods. Make sure they have No Preservatives and are Reduced/Low Sodium. (Try Organic Brands, Very good and not expensive.)

    Relative to canned Tuna and Sardines, these types fish are Naturally high in sodium and very little is added in processing. I have seen "Organic" in both, and the sodium aspect is only about 50 mg per serving difference. MOST foods are processed, it's a matter of DEGREE (Example: ALL Bread is processed = ANY Flour is Processed from the original grain; all BAGGED Veggies and Fruit are Processed; ALL sugar is processed, even Turbinata, Agave... It's up to You, but Me, I choose foods that:
    (1) Low/No Sodium
    (2) No Nitrites
    (3) No Other Preservatives
    (4) Is the "original" Food or comes close as possible to being the original
    (5) Now and then I may just opt out and choose something that has all 4 things above in it...only in a "blue moon." Like last week I ate a full blown hotdog/chili dog, tasted great, but I probably won't have another for another year+.
  • aliakat
    aliakat Posts: 16
    I think it would depend on how often you eat it... yes, there are disadvantages to can foods verses fresh foods, but the health advantages of eating fish: omega fatty acids especially; may out-weigh the disadvantages if it is an infrequent menu choice. Regarding the tuna, my family has switched to buying the bagged, rather than canned, tuna (for picnics, tuna casserole, salad, road trips, etc). As for sardines... they gross me out, sorry! I honestly know nothing about them... the appearance reminds me of fish bait and I struggle to eat something that seemingly stares up at me from the plate :) Good luck!! :D